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Image Comments posted by charlottenoir

  1. My friend just miscarried her first child and so this picture really spoke to me of the grief and loss. It is a powerful image. The only thing that I don't really like is that the nipple really pulls the eye away from the doll and it just feels distracting.



    Hi, I would really appreciate any thoughts and comments on this, I also

    have one version of this in colour, but I am not sure what to think of them or

    what I could do to get better, I feel like I have plateaued and everything I do

    just look "sameish" and boring.

  2. What I like about this is that it is not only visually stunning, it has something that makes me smile and when I have seen picure after picture of beutiful landscapes, this is what I might still remember, and that makes it special.




    I love the creativity and I think you are on the right way. Just play with it! What does it look like from a different angle? Where is the light coming from? Do you have shadows where you don't want them? What happens with a different size glass? Black background? What settings are you shooting at? What happens when you change something?

    The possibilities are endless so just have fun, and then if YOU like the result, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

    Blessings/ Ann-Charlott



    I would like to hear some thoughts on composition. I have a few

    pictures of this rose and I will upload one that is centered and if

    you have time and patience to please tell me which you prefer and why,

    please...and thank you :)

  3. Hi Charl,

    First of all I have to admit that skilled is not what I would call myself so my opinion may or may not count.

    Second- I am very biased about it, I often highlight a colour to bring focus to a certain area or just because, DANG IT, it's pretty! :D

    I like your picture, the lines and shapes and how the heart is highlighted, it's about seeing something others can't or won't and showing them. That has a poigniancy to it and if that is too "novel" then so be it. You should shoot the things YOU want to shoot and in the style YOU choose and if nobody else likes it then so be it!

    Best regards/ Ann-Charlott


    Cutting Edge


    I love this! The makeup and the angle and and the eyes-not sure who that affirmation goes to but it is so easy to slip into face making and "evil eyes" so to see someone project... I don't know... a sort of vulnerability just adds to the ambiance.

    Very well done!/


    _DSC0968 BW


    She is absolutely stunning- great makeup and light. I love the broken doll pose and overall the picture has a very soft feel- sensuell rather than sexy and this may sound odd but I really like the way her stomach curves, she is all woman.

    One thing I have noticed, in several picures of people is limbs that are bent towards the camera- I am sure a lot of people think it's fine, the brain compensates and rationalizes what the eye can't make sense of- however it does create an illusion that the limb curved or bent towards the camera (in this case the right arm) appears shorter that it is in reality. Take a step back from the picture and look. Now obviously this is not something that you can change with this picure so the critique may seem less than helpfull (for that I appologise) but I hope it's a different perspective and maybe something to consider in the future.

    Blessings/ Charlie

    Studio #1


    One problem that jump out at me is that the legs from hip to thigh is pointed straight at the camera resulting in the appearance that she has no or very short thighs. Otherwise I like the relaxed feel of the picture, it did stand out to me among all the photos on the critique forum, so that's good! :)

    Blessings/ Charlie



    I think it is a lovely picture especially with the bug (sorry I don't know the English word for the little critter) and it being mirrored so nicely, I am not so fond of it being dead center however allthough I can't put my finger on why.



  4. Hi, I really love the picture, the gritty background, the contrast in skin tone versus clothes and background, the only thing I would say (and obviously this is just my opinion) is that the picture loses some of the dynamic feel in the way she turns her head- her eyes would have been better OR a sharper more defined profile (I hope that makes sense).


    Charlie The Swede 

  5. Thank you Miguel, it's nice to know that there are different oppinions and not just right and wrong, I still like my picture but what I did like about the first critique is that he helped me see a possibility I hadn't thought of at all.


    The Tree


    I really like it, the mood and how the road leads the eye up towards the tree. I also like that it has a lot of texture, it's gritty if that makes any sense(?)

    Very nice work!


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