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Posts posted by steven_allgood

  1. <p>Yes, most photographers have fallen prey to the all the marketing/advertising of Canon and Nikon and have created a false consensus reality that professional only use these 2 profiteering companies.<br /><br />Yes, I also own a Canon and have owned a Nikon and they are both good. Nowadays, all DSLRs are pretty decent and it is now more about your artistry and creativity than who has the "best" camera. Would you rather have Bart Simpson on the most expensive Canon or would you rather have Pablo Picasso on an old-fashioned Polaroid? I'd go with Picasso.<br /><br />The reason I am now with an Olympus E-520 is because it has more technology and features compared to other brands in this class of camera. A Canon Rebel is very nice but it is more expensive, bulkier and doesn't have Image Stab. or Self-Cleaning features that the Olympus.<br /><br />Plus, why would I want to be the same as every other photographer with the same camera? The Olympus actually produces a more colorful/vivid photo and is the smallest DSLR out there. Free your mind, be unique... I'm not bashing Canon/Nikon - they are good also, but there is a whole other world of equipment and often times more advanced technology outside the Big 2.<br /><br /> </p>
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