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Posts posted by john_goode1

  1. <p>an alternative solution is to use the context menu of windows. here's how:<br>

    1. run "regedit"<br>

    2. go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<br>

    3. open *<br>

    4. you'll see there "shell". this is where you'll add a new key on the context menu<br>

    5. right click on "shell", select "New", then "Key"<br>

    6. you can name it whatever you want. i suggest "Photoshop CS5"<br>

    7. right click on the newly created key, then again select "New", then "Key"<br>

    8. on the right pane, right click on "Default", then choose "Modify"<br>

    9. on the space that comes up, write the path to Photoshop CS5. In my case, "c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Photoshop.exe %1"<br>

    Exit regedit, then go to your .nef folders, and just right click on any .nef file. The context menu will pop up and you will find your newly created context menu. Click on it and CS5 will open the file.<br>

    I hope this helps. Warning though. You have to back up your registry settings first before you do anything. Just right click on "computer" while on the registry editor, then click "export". That's it.</p>

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