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Posts posted by phil_mosby

  1. <p>Good on ya, Ken. That's a tough situation but you came through for your clients. Reminds me of what my high school gym teacher used to say .. </p>

    <p>"Remember the five P's: Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance" (At the top of his lungs. lol )</p>

  2. <p>Using the gear you have on hand, I would have to agree with Marcus Ian. I have seen surprisingly decent results with the light sphere on pointed straight up outside at night. Of course, you will have to compensate for the fact that so much of the light is lost to the night sky, so make sure you practice ahead of time.</p>

    <p>As has been said, go experiment, maybe you'll find a technique that works even better for you!</p>

  3. <p>Julian,</p>

    <p>The fact that you are so busy could be played as a good thing ... you are In Demand! If they want to work with you, they have to understand how incredibly popular you are (and for good reason). At that point (after connecting via phone / skype) you just have to fall back on your web-presence (and word of mouth) and hope it's enough to book the gig. My two cents.</p>

    <p>On a slightly different note, the weddings I've shot without ever meeting the clients ahead of time have ended up being some of my favorite gigs. I can't exactly say why ...</p>

  4. <p>Hi Robert, <br>

    Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, and thanks for your detailed feedback. </p>

    <p>I don't necessarily think that I can offer a "better" service than the awesome guys at Photo.net, but I certainly think there's room in the market for <em>different </em>services. </p>

    <p>For one thing, I just like pure javascript/ jQuery-driven galleries, and dynamic, script-driven websites that keep you on one 'page'. I know it's not for everyone, but it's what I like to design and it's incredibly flexible in regards to user customization and manipulation (thanks to PHP).</p>

    <p>The other thing that I am focusing on is interesting monetization models and built-in social media marketing. These are the features that I get really excited about and that take up two thirds of my white board :) </p>

    <p>Yes, there are other sites out there that do most of what I am planning, but I have a slightly different vision for it, that's all. </p>

    <p>BTW, The Cooliris implementation on your homepage looks great and overall I like your site. </p>

    <p>Hope I answered your question, take care, <br>


  5. <p>Hi all, <br>

    I am looking for some feedback on my new Lake Tahoe fine art photography website. <br>

    It is at: http://www.tahoepictures.com<br>

    I am a php programmer and am working on building a platform that would allow photographers to make a gallery / sales based website (like this one) incredibly easily ... just upload large sized photos, edit a few text boxes, and hit go! ... so would love any comments on the functionality / as well as feedback about whether you would you be willing to pay $10 per month per site to be able to sell your photos like this ? <br>

    Thanks a lot for any feedback!<br>


  6. <p>Thanks for the comments. <br>

    <br />Robertk - I actually built that second site around Galleriffic which is a jQuery plugin (and happens to be on the list you posted). I used that in conjunction with a program called jAlbum to make it so that the client can add photos to the site without any manual cropping or resizing. </p>

    <p>Of course, I heavily modded Galleriffic, built a shopping cart on top of it, etc .. as well building some custom php to handle the less than perfect output from jAlbum, strip it down to just the image list for each gallery, and then put it all back together correctly. </p>

    <p>Good times. </p>

  7. <p>Hi Everyone, </p>

    <p>I'm a web designer not a photographer, but I've recently completed two different photography websites for clients, using very different technologies.</p>

    <p>The first site is 100% Flash, the second has no flash and is all done with css / js / jQuery. </p>

    <p>Both have 100% dynamic back-ends that allow the photographers to upload new photos without any manual cropping or resizing and have them automatically formatted to fit the site. </p>

    <p>The second one, using jQuery, has a really simple but very flexible shopping cart that I built around the Paypal Minicart (see the "Purchase Prints" tab at the bottom of the gallery pages).</p>

    <p>Please disregard the photos on the second site, some of them are miscategorized or came from my Windows samples folder (lol), still waiting for the photographer to fill it up with all of his best content. All the skiing shots are his, but they aren't the 'final' product that will be on the site. </p>

    <p>Site 1, Flash: http://www.kbfancy.com/weddings/</p>

    <p>Site 2, jQuery / CSS: http://www.hankdevrephotography.com</p>

    <p>I thought this was an interesting study in different web technologies and that you guys might enjoy it, and I would of course appreciate any feedback. Thanks for looking. </p>

  8. <p>Hey there, overall a pretty nice looking site, and good on ya for using jQuery with a flickr feed, you'll thank yourself in the long run. </p>

    <p>A couple comments ...</p>

    <p>The numbered navigation that controls the default slideshow - a lot of your images are dark on the bottom and thus the numbers all but disappear. What about adding a background-color to that bottom div (probably white) with .2 (or any very low) opacity setting, so that the text is always visible. Or alternately using a light-colored css drop shadow on the text.</p>

    <p>The blog-style "New Photos" section is pretty busy for my taste. Although that's another cool usage of js on the 'show all images' links.</p>

    <p>Same comment as above on all of the numbered navigation text menus on the various galleries. It's hard to see a lot of the time. </p>

    <p>I would love to see your name styled up a bit ... open up Photoshop and spit out something more fun for a logo ;) </p>

    <p>Last but not least - amazing picture of that BEAR! I love that. </p>

    <p>Overall pretty nice work, <br>


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