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Posts posted by joewhite

  1. Critiques I have made in the (distant) past really didn't seem to be useful to the contributor. I always tried to say what I

    liked or disliked about the photo and skipped giving comments about technical or technique issues. But if I delved much

    past "Beautiful" or "Great photo" it was apparently a waste of effort.

    People don't want to hear criticism from someone even when a divergent viewpoint is welcomed; hey, I'm not a great

    photographer, just someone reacting to your effort with an opinion, which can be altered if the photographer explains

    something I may not have observed.

    This is not a rant towards you, Mr. Downs. For the most part, your photos have been well done and interesting to view. I

    just don't know what to say that is worth saying.

  2. I was able to access the site using the username and password provided, but was unable to Sign In using my photo.net

    email and password. I tried to Sign Up just for giggles and it took me to all my personal information, so apparently the

    sign in was successful even though no page ever opened up.

    Then was able to access the MiN test section (including Mr. Jeffries pic) but just once. When trying to navigate to another

    section, the page never loaded and I was never able to return to the MiN test posts.

    I liked the look of the site but lacked skills and/or brain power to surf it.

  3. So much for the Death Valley trip I spent the last eight months planning!

    We are en route to Montana, Bozeman, Missoula, possibly Kalispell vicinity to visit National Forest areas, since there apparently aren't

    enough barricades to keep the public out. We've been looking at a few day trips (hiking) but would really appreciate any Montanans or

    anyone familiar to suggest a couple or three trails for us.

    Photographic opportunities would be the primary wish, but just being outdoors in a beautiful part of the country works, too.

    Thanks for any help, we'll be there in a couple of days.

  4. <p>Hi,<br>

    When trying to calibrate an Asus notebook monitor (Intel Graphics HD 4000) Colormunki Display repeatedly tells me that it's unable to create LUT. After one attempt, the colors in LR 4.4 had an extreme magenta cast, but View NX2 did not. Anyway, after a couple of more attempts, the colors in LR returned to what seems normal.<br>

    So what might be going on? I ran a LUT tester program and it said that "sequel imaging calibration programs will work with this computer". I read other solutions that suggested using an RGB default profile, but couldn't find such an animal on the computer. Also, changing the white point to 6500, unable to do so since this wasn't a display alteration choice.<br>

    OS is Windows 8. I plan on using this notebook as an "on the road" review of photos so calibration isn't absolutely critical, but it just bugs me when things don't work as expected.<br>

    Thanks for any ideas or solutions,<br>



  5. <p>Greg - thank you. Since my time there is going to be limited to four days, it's important to try to get to places somewhat off the beaten path. Appreciate the book suggestions.<br /> Robert - great tips and book suggestions.<br /> The DVNP website said that there were enough activities there to last at least a lifetime. I'm beginning to see that.</p>
  6. <p>Thanks again, Bob.<br>

    I am about as cell phone independent as possible, didn't even own one until last year.<br>

    I'll stay on the road and carry about 10 gallons of water in the truck; food snacks; warmer clothing for night; maps and a compass.</p>

  7. <p>Thanks, Bob. I hadn't considered the elevation, but now that you mention it, that's a very good point. Also, appreciate the tip for the AP.<br>

    Man, the road is really that bad, huh? Ok, I'll make that info part of the plan.<br>

    Appreciate your help.</p>

  8. <p>Thank you, David, that was very informative. Yes, I've got a full sized spare tire. I also have a good tripod, a necessity IMO, and a polarizer.<br>

    We will be coming from the north, I'll check out the Eureka dunes. I recall reading on the Park Service website about them. They stated those dunes were much less frequented (and harder to get to), so it sounds like a good option.<br>

    It's likely that I will only get one GND, since the boss (wife) has concerns about my profligate spending. ;)<br>

    Thanks again.</p>

  9. <p>Any advice for photos on a trip in October to Death Valley? I'm planning on being there for a few days and am wondering what other areas to shoot besides the most popular ones, such as Zabriskie Point, the Artist, and the dunes...although I imagine I'll get those in as well. Also going to try some night shots, there should be only a crescent moon in early Oct. and maybe I'll be able to get some Milky Way shots.<br>

    I don't currently own any grad neutral density filters, would you recommend having at least one for the type of landscapes there, or will it not be necessary?<br>

    We'll be carrying about 10 gallons of water, 5 gallons of emergency gasoline, a high center 4WD truck, and some clothes for chilly sunrise and sunset outings.<br>

    Any hints or advice appreciated. Thanks.</p>

  10. <p>I'm curious why there isn't a separate category for lenses. Is it possible to add such a category instead of having them lumped in with either digital or 35mm? Might make it easier for both seller and buyer to find.</p>
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