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Posts posted by antongorlin

  1. <p>Good evening,<br>

    I was thinking about Instagram as a way to expand print sales and heard of some promo services that do the job for me, like, they follow, unfollow, like, comment etc. Have you tried any of these? Did it help? And I was wondering about some new service in particular as someone recommended it to me - noworriesbot.com. What's your experience?</p>

  2. <p>I've got my D7000. All is good except tons of hot pixels on long exposures.<br>

    really, hundreds. <br>

    it's a 100% crop, 30 sec exposure. The whole image is like that.<br>

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/KpFof.jpg" alt="" width="932" height="656" /></p>

    <p>I have disabled noise reduction at long exposures at all. can it be the case? should I update some firmware or go to service?<br>

    no red dots on shorter exposures like 5 sec</p>

  3. <p>hi<br>

    my problem sounds weird, but this is what happens:<br>

    I have several programms installed - photoshop, capture nx2, view nx and acdsee.<br>

    and when viewing jpegs acdsee shows brighter picture - i.e. like all is shifted more to highlights. The differense is not enourmous, but noticable - around 20% I'd say.<br>

    all other progs (ps, cnx, vnx) show a bit darker and all the same.<br>

    when I upload a photo to the internet and look at it in a browser, it looks exactly the same to acdsee, i.e. brighter than other programs.<br>

    how is it possible? what should I do to fix it?</p>

  4. <p>yes, it was salt water :(<br>

    not completely under water, but around 70% of the body. don't remember where was the lens.<br>

    <br /> this is the head<br /> <a href="http://bkcamerahouse.com.au/images/manfrotto_804_rc_2.jpg">http://bkcamerahouse.com.au/images/manfrotto_804_rc_2.jpg</a><br /> it was my mistake as well. I was extending legs without taking camera out of tripod. Maybe I gave bigger shake or it went loose or both at once</p>

  5. <p>thanks guys for commenting my portfolio :)<br>

    about D7000 - I've almost decided to take but then I though similarly to <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=24372">Shun Cheung</a> - isnt it an overkill? I don't need huge fps and all that stuff, I just need big DR and 12+ mpx. That is why I'm uncertain again - it might be better to take something more simple from the new models - like d5000 or d3100...<br>

    just checked here <a href="http://front1.dxomark.com/index.php/Camera-Sensor/Compare/Compare-sensors/(appareil1)/439%7C0/(appareil2)/680%7C0/(appareil3)/587%7C0/(onglet)/0/(brand)/Nikon/(brand2)/Nikon/(brand3)/Nikon">http://front1.dxomark.com/index.php/Camera-Sensor/Compare/Compare-sensors/(appareil1)/439%7C0/(appareil2)/680%7C0/(appareil3)/587%7C0/(onglet)/0/(brand)/Nikon/(brand2)/Nikon/(brand3)/Nikon</a><br>

    looks like even for landscapes there's no other choice than D7000 due to dynamic range :)</p>

    <p>the other lens I have are <br>

    1) kit lens 18-135, which I wanted to swap for something, but I with all these spendings these plans are on hold.<br>

    2) 105/2.8 micro<br>

    3) 70-300 VR</p>

    <p>John, that was exactly what happened - it fell from my tripod.</p>

  6. <p>hi all,<br>

    I have drowned my D80 in the ocean last Saturday. It was a shock and a moral injury.<br>

    The worst it's gone together with my nikon 12-24 lens, which I used 90% of all other lens...<br>

    Repair guys say they are not repairable, but now I'm back online :) and so I need something new.<br>

    Can you advise what's modern these days? Something about the same level. I'd like d700 or d3 of course, but it's not the right moment for that amount of money.<br>

    d90? d7000? whatever?<br>

    also, I need a new lens. I've surfed over the internet and the candidates are:<br>

    1) nikon 12-24 again<br>

    2) newer nikon 10-24<br>

    3) tokina 11-16<br>

    these guys take the best feedback. any advises here?<br>

    I was pretty happy with my 12-24, but making it even wider is too tempting...</p>

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