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Image Comments posted by otto_b


    Both photos are beautiful, but I much prefer this one. It gets me closer to the water and that blurred effect from the long exposure comes out stronger here, making the photo more sensual.
  1. Beautiful photo! I am a little irritated by the choice of horizon, since it is not in the middle (which is good) and not yet at the traditional 2/3. I keep on thinking about what a bit more water would have done to the image and actually assume that the slight irritation I feel is a good thing and that more water would probably destroy the effect. But whatever way you look at it, it is lovely and very well done!
  2. Well done! Apart from the fact that it is technically well executed, it presents a new way of looking. The eyes literally get tangled up in the hair and the play of the hair, with brief glimpses of the person behind. It strikes me as a very personal statement and an excellent piece of photography!



    Beautiful photo. I love the way the top left side of the photo has an almost sepia touch to it and then goes over to subdued yet modern colours on the bottom right. Well done!!!

  3. This could have been such a boring photo, but the composition is what makes you stop and look again, and then you get into all of the great details. A truly excellent photo thanks to the imagination of the photographer. Well done!!!




    I love the way she sinks into/comes out of the light. Sometimes I have the feeling she is fighting with the darkness, sometimes she seems to be using it. I could almost go philosophical here. Very well done!



    The joy in the photo is catching! Wonderful. It is the kind of thing photography can do best, capturing a valuable instant so that we can stretch that joy out further than we otherwise could. Well done!!!



    Beautiful!!! I am almost afraid to say something (rare for me) because I have the feeling that analyzing the beauty will diminish it. I love the format you have chosen, going from elbow to elbow and leaving only a little space above the head - it helps to make the picture feel close and intimate without seeming constrained. The lighting is superb, giving a soft, modulated feel to the skin and providing a black background that she seems to pop up out of. And yes, there is the confident smile and an expression that makes it seem she is very comfortable with the photographer (and which always carries over to give the viewer that same kind of feel). Well done!!!



    What a strangely moving portrait! You have done excellent work with the light and the way you have set highlights. The image seems to be somewhere between deeply personal and holy shrine. Excellent work!!!



    Wonderful! I love the way you have created a scene where the mountains in the back mirror the water in the foreground (of the other way around). Either way, it is a great composition!!!

    Autumn Mood


    What a fantastic portrait! For me, personally, this is photography at its best, an honest moment captured with good light and a clear focus on what is important. Super!!!

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