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Posts posted by jigar_p


    <p>Hi ! Spring is here and I am determined to get some shots of spring in my state of Connecticut. I was wondering if anybody has any recommendations for locations for shooting pastoral landscapes with wild spring flowers.<br>

    Also any tips on location discovery in general would be very helpful. I am thinking that breaking about a topological map may be a good start but not sure how to proceed. Thoughts / Feedback appreciated.<br>

    <br /> Thanks</p>


  2. <p>I am trying to go through the initial process of categorizing images to manage the large number of pictures taken and have a tough time defining the categories. This does bring to light the fact that when I was taking pictures I did think much in terms of the end result I was trying to achieve. I have come to realize that in order for me to categorize my images down the road I need to think about what I need to shoot before I shoot. In essence, need to have some idea about the story line before I even touch the camera. Am I thinking too much here ? is this a case of 'Analysis-Paralysis' ?</p>
  3. <p>Hi all, So I recently came back from beautiful Southern Chile with over a 1100 photos. I went trigger happy. The place is just stunning. The problem is simple, how do I go about narrowing down these photos to say 100 or 200 to make it into a album. Beside the obvious (like where eyes are closed or no detail due to harsh light), how should one go about choosing ? I know this may be a open ended and too broad of a question, but I wanted to know if there are some general rules that people follow when in this situation. Anybody else here been in this situation ? how did you go about getting out of the situation ?</p>

    <p>Thanks in advance and look forward to you replies.</p>

  4. <p>Hi, I was recently reading up on the digtal workflow and one of the steps indicated that during import its a good idea to add some basic metadata that all images would share. One of the things the book advocated was adding copyright information. I search photo.net and found a post that said one should put ' © <year> by <your name here> in the copyright field.<br>

    I have two questions.<br>

    1) is ©<year> by <your name here> the generally accepted practice ?<br>

    2) just by putting '©<year> by <your name here>' in the field do I actually get a copyright that is legally enforceable ? or Do I need to apply for a copyright via a government office/authority ?<br>

    Just trying to understand what actually happens by putting a few words in a particular format and claiming it a a copyright. FYI live in the United States.<br>

    Thanks in advance.</p>


  5. <p>I have a 5D with a 24-70 lens. I got my Benro Travel Angel TRAB169 yesterday and really like what I got. The build quality is good and it can hold my equipment with a battery grip without any problems whatsoever. And at 14.1 inches when folded its very very compact. You can take this with you anywhere in a backpack or should bag. Fully extended I get a height of 59 inches which I find ample. The load capacity is 17lbs. All this for $190. The benro model that I have listed is last years model. This year benro came up with new feature that allows you to remove one of the tripod legs and use it as a monopod. Their folded lenght is around 17inches and they are around $250. The are called the 'Transfunctional Travel Angel'. I was more inclined to get last years model for 2 reasons - one being more compact and two it will be a little cheaper since its an 'old' model.<br>

    Since you have a larger budget you can go with a Gitzo traveller which I saw at b&h for about $550. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/560662-REG/Gitzo_GT_1541T_Traveler_6X_Carbon.html I havnt used one (as my budget was not that big) but I have known a few good pro photographers that swear by it.<br>

    Fiesol 3441s are very good tripod's as well. Their cost will fall somewhere around $300 and $500. http://www.feisol.net/feisol-traveler-tripod-ct3441s-rapid-p-38.html<br /> I have listed a couple options. My advice is, its your money and you should use it in the way you wont regret. In my opinion you can compare equipment endlessly, so compare a few different options and then go with your gut, so you can get out there and do what you wanted to do in the first place. Hope this helps</p>

  6. <p><strong>@Liczbanski:</strong> thanks for the links to f-stop gear and TT. I had never heard of these companies and I think they have some good stuff. Specially the ICU. I think I definitely looking to get one.<br /> <strong>@Victor: </strong>appreciate the link. I am trying to do something similar like you and Liczbanski...Kind of have my own 'system' that can be customized based on the trip. You had mentioned that you have travelled with a small carbon fibre tripod. Can let us know which one and you general experience with it on the trip.</p>

    <p><strong>@LarryWest, Charles Lacz:</strong> Glad you like the discussion thread. The idea was have a discussion around gear and hopefully everybody can get a few new ideas. <br /> <strong>@All:</strong> Like charles mentioned, I too would like to see some feedback on benro fold flat tripods. I am looking to buy a tripod myself and would like hear more on compact travel tripod.</p>

  7. <p>@JimJohnson: At this point in time I am interested in nature and landscape. I have always had a thing for earths natural beauty. However Photography is something I just started and I feel with photography its something you never know where you'll end up, but I dont think I am going to stop taking pictures of landscape anytime soon. Also you read my next move, the next thing I am looking to buy is a tripod. I know I had mentioned I want to buy 17-40 but that is a little bit down the road. I feel a lot can be done with a 24-70, however since its heavy definitely need a tripod and head. I dont need a remote (the guy was nice enough to throw a in interval remote as part of the deal). Currently I am thinking about the Benro travel angel because its compact, so I can carry it inside a backpack and provides decent height (55-60") depending on the model. However I have never seen it physically so I am not set on it. If you have any opinion on this matter I'd appreciate it. I know its cheaper than a gitzo, but gitzo will be very expensive. Also I have no idea which ball head to buy. I was planning to ask the b&h people once I got there but if you have any suggestions go ahead by all means.</p>

    <p>Best !<br>


  8. <p>@JohnTran: I understand now. thanks. I am not really to worried about the body or the lens. The guy I bought it from was genuine and he show me services reports from Canon Professional Service of both equipments. In fact they were still packed from when they had returned from service. My question is more from the point of going forward and making purchases. I am looking to buy a 17-40 and if I can get it used it would be better. So before I buy something I wanted to learn a little more.</p>
  9. <p>@James(Jim)Johnson:<br>

    Thanks for welcoming me and for peeking my pictures and offering some feedback. I have put up the one of the photos up for critique so feel free to do the same if you have an opinion.<br>

    To answer your questions:</p>


    <li>The lens I got is a Canon 24-70mm 2.8L. Its heavy as a brick lol. </li>

    <li>I had cranked up the iso because I didnt have a tripod. but to be honest was kind of in awe of the beauty that morning, so I not paying much attention to settings and besides I am new to photography so my attitude is to learn as I go. In fact one of the photos was shot at -2 stops and I didnt even realize that untill I pulled it out of the camera. But I am glad that it some how did capture the morning as I saw it.</li>

    <li>The read leaf (actually its a sock..) crop I think incorrectly focused the branch more than the sock, however I didnt realize that untill i got home and pulled up the photo on the computer.</li>


    <p>This was my first trip out with the camera and the camera is quite old and I was lot is not very forgiving. On the bright side I will hopefully learn a lot. <br>

    I also tend to agree with general advice of 'Use it and not worry'. I am not really worried about this lens and body. The guy was nice and I am still in touch with him. I really ask the question so that going forward I could be a little more knowledgable.</p>


  10. <p>@Jay: I dont understand the following:<br>

    " finally mounted it on my camera a took some shoots at different apetures in manual mode with auto-ISO off to make sure it was stopping down."<br>

    Also by shooting in manual mode at different apertures you are testing the aperture mechanism of lens as in does the aperture open at all different setting correct ? And why was auto iso off ? what has that got to do with aperture opening ?<br>

    Good basic points covered overall.</p>

  11. <p>I recently bought a used DSLR and lens from a local photographer. I met him at his studio and he looked like a decent guy and so far everything is good. I am just curious though if I am buying a used lens what should I be basically looking for and how do I test the glass quality for sharpness. Also should I be testing the glass quality for anything else ?<br>


  12. <p>Good going guys ! So far i see some great ideas that now all of us can use depending on the situation. Here is a condensed list of it, I will create another one should more people post to this thread.</p>


    <li>Beer koosies for small lenses.</li>

    <li>Micro fiber towels for lint free wrapping</li>

    <li>National Geographic Earth Explorer backpacks (canvas style) NG-5737 (expensive but good)</li>

    <li>Kelty Redwing - a very durable weekend backpack...the best thing I like about it is its removable hip strap and steel frame.</li>

    <li>Gary's creative disguise techniques.</li>


    <p>I hope more people post to this thread !</p>

  13. <p>Hey there !<br>

    Would like to start a conversation on ideas for traveling low key with basic equipment.<br>

    I like the idea of using a traditional backpack like jansport, which low key and does not draw a lot of attention. One drawback with that idea is the lack of dedicated compartments and padding that dedicated camera bags offer. I have countered the drawback by wrapping my equipment (body and lenses, separately) in long hiking socks that are generally thick to work as work around padding and putting them in a laptop backpack which already has some internal padding. I also dont like the idea of the tripod sticking outside so am currently looking to buy a travel tripod (benro travel angel or something similar) that I can keep inside my backpack.<br>

    I am wondering what kind of backpacks people generally use and what their experiances are when traveling with DSLR, lens and a tripod ?</p>


    <li>Has anybody travelled,hiked with a backpack containing a traveller tripod and dslr body and lenses (one or 2 basic lenses), all inside the backpack ? if so what where your experiences and the pros and cons of it.</li>


    <p>Thanks ! Looking forward to your replies.</p>


  14. <p>Hi All,<br>

    I have been a admirer of earth's natural beauty for as long as I can remember and have always had this big urge to share it with friends and family. I didnt really think about photography too much until last year when I figured it could be a good hobby to develop and it would allow me to capture natural beauty of places I travel to. So I have finally signed up and am looking forward to be a part of this community. I hope to learn from you and share knowledge about Photography with all of you. <br>



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