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Image Comments posted by stepan_kana

  1. The eyes are just mesmerizing. The composition is great too -- the half-face on the left; a bit of face of the child on the right, nicely complemented by the face in the background. It just about fills my screen in the large view, which is a coincidence, of course, but sure there are things to look at!


    The composition is great, this is a powerful photo. The colours work well too, but it isn't terribly sharp -- there could be more detail in the greenery, for example.

    Old Lady

    This one works better than the other, but still -- get closer or something! I think the background is too overpowering. One can't see much detail in her face or hands; my suggestion is to upload larger images (i am viewing this on "large").
  2. Ozgur, if portraying a person in the context of her activity is what you intended here, I think it would be helpful to try to engage with the person more. I don't mean she has to pose for you, I just don't get much sense of her presence and meaning of her activity...
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