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Posts posted by katie_smyklo

  1. <p>Matt- Yes it's a CPA who works with other photographers as well. I will probably give the Dept. Of Revenue a call and explain our own situation to get their advice tomorrow. Thanks.</p>

    <p>Phil- I have read the 717 thoroughly and cut and dry it sounds like you pay the tax when you receive the money, but my confusion is can a payment schedule be considered "credit"? Thanks.</p>

  2. <p>I have a photography business with my husband and about 95% of our business is photographing weddings. PA law states that all photography services are subject to a sales tax of 6%.<br>

    My issue is what do we claim on our monthly sales tax payments? Since we have a deposit and 2 payments (typically)- do we claim everything the month of the wedding or the month we receive the payment? We've been paying the month of the wedding, when services are rendered but was explained by our accountant that we should be paying tax when we receive the income (payment).<br>

    I've spoken to a few different CPA/tax professionals and I get mixed answers- you pay when you receive payment AND you pay the month of the wedding when the contract is fulfilled. <br>

    Help, I'm so confused! To me it seems like it really shouldn't matter just so the tax gets paid, but I want to do it right and by the law.</p>

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