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Posts posted by jonathanjk_morris

  1. <p>I edit every image individually. I came to do this because I'm not mindful of the settings in my camera. If I shot manual exposure I suppose it would be better for my workflow because I can just apply one set of adjustments to a further 50 images. However I would still comb through said images because I don't believe a 1 adjustment fits all approach works very well. In the end I just edit each image to be the best possible for itself.</p>
  2. <p>Like Jay said, non-photographers don't edit their stuff. You'll come up against those people who want everything. When they ask me I say I will remove the mistakes and the double chins. I never have a problem after I've said that. I also say I'll throw up a quick iPhoto link. If they ask for more I say that's all there is. How do they know otherwise if you lie at the last stage?</p>
  3. <p>All photographers are voyeurs. But we're splitting hairs over its definition. If you can't get your account back I would move on. Flickr isn't worth it. Besides why do you care so much, it's not like you were creating something high brow to teach or entertain others. Beautiful girls are just something pretty to look at. If it was journalism or art photography I would be more sympathetic. </p>
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