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Posts posted by k_dalton

  1. <p>For the love of god <em><strong>DON'T DO IT</strong></em>! I have had a little dance with eric gottlieb of Precision Photo/bocaphoto just recently. Well the dance consised of myself because he charged my credit card (Paypal thankfully) and then refused to answer phone calls or emails requesting "where are the parts I ordered". Paypal never did receive any responce from him either. The trick with paypal is file your "dispute" and then 48 hours later escalate it to a "request for refund". Let that simmer for 10-14 days (he will not respond, gauranteed) and then send an email to paypal through the resolution center directing them that you have waited long enough, give them the link to "resellerratings.com". I followed these steps and was refunded within 36 hours from Paypal. Scum like this should never be able to conduct business, it gives all the small / internet stores a very bad name. If I were paypal I'd suspend / close his buyers account and flag his name and the business names he operates under.<br>

    I see he is listed and seems to be doing ok on ebay, guess thats the only feedback forum he worries about........give him time though........give him time.</p>

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