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Image Comments posted by dawnheath

    My Best Friend


    I took this photo of Krieg when he was about 1 1/2 years old. I think he looks

    quite dignified here, but looks can be so deceiving - he's actually a goofy

    clown! Feedback appreciated. Thanks!

    Over the Edge


    Life has gotten so busy that I've neglected my photography for the last couple

    years! I've recently started taking my camera with me when my husband and I go

    hiking. On this day, I dragged him to the lake in freezing cold weather, and I'm

    glad I did. We came on these amazing rock formations and got to spend the

    afternoon hiking over them and taking photos. Critiques welcome! Thanks!



    This is a gorgeous shot! The squirrel pops beautifully against the snow, and the colors are all spot on.  Love the title too!  Happy New Year!



    This is stunning!  The dof is perfect, and the colors are gorgeous!  All your beautiful flower pictures are making me want to start shooting flowers again!



    I absolutely love this!  Simple photos with beautiful lighting like this are my favorite. The black borders on the top and bottom give it an extra touch that I really like.

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