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Image Comments posted by prasad_kongara



    I took this photo as the last rays of sun hitting the grapes at an

    angle making them translucent. Suggestions for improving this photo

    are welcome.


    Also this photo became very contrasty when I saved it as JPEG. I

    used very low compression. When I open the original TIFF image using

    PhotoShop, it looks much better.


    Thank you

    Vernal falls


    Using digital (Canon G1) gave me a lot of flexibility on

    this shot. To achieve this DOF on 35 m.m, I may have to close

    the shutter down so much, I couldn't have used 1/200 sec

    exposure. With any slower shutter speed, I could have lost

    the details at the bottom of the falls.


    How do you like this image?

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