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Posts posted by michael_seeber

  1. <p>so , i put the kit lens on and the AF worked fine . Went back to the camera shop to show them what was going on and now it works fine. The only thing i can guess is that i may not have had the lens on right or not all the way on . Thank you to everyone that tried to help.</p>
  2. <p>i install a 35 f/1.8g lens on my d70000. Now i cant not adjust the AF points when i hold the button in. I want to change it to AF-C . Is this normal because of a fixed lens. Thank for the help.</p>
  3. <p>I have a d7000 and just bought a b+w polarized filter for it. I was told that i needed one to shoot in the snow for the glare. My question is can i leave it on and shoot all the time with the filter on even if not shooting in the snow. What are the pros and cons of shooting with a polarized filter. Thank you for the help</p>
  4. <p>I just got a D7000 last week and love it so far . I been shooting at the beach and indoors for the last week. I am going on a trip to the mountains and want to shooting the snow . Can someone suggest a filter for the snow . I know i want a B+W filter just dont know what size and kind to get. Thank you.</p>
  5. <p>I just got a D7000 that i just love . My question is do i need a lens filter for it . I have a 18 -120 kit lens . What is the main purpose for the filter . I shoot mostly outside sports and animals . thank you for the help.</p>
  6. <p>I am going to buy a d7000. i would like some advice on a lens , i am going to get the kit stock lens that comes with it . i can also get a 70- 300 mm f4-5.g -ed-if-s Vr for $400.00 dollars more. Is it better to wait and buy the extra lens later or is this a good price for that lens. i will be shooting mostly outside in the mountains and wildlife .. thank you for the help</p>


  7. <p>looking at getting the new d7000 body . what would be the best lens to start with that would do a little bit of everything . I will be mostly be shooting outside and wildlife and in the mountains with snow and weather. I don't want to brake the bank on my first lens . this will be my first DSLR . thank you for the help</p>
  8. <p>i have have been looking at the D90 and the D7000. This will be my first DSLR . I will be shooting mostly sports and outdoors . i am not sure if the price difference is worth it for what i am going to be using it for. The biggest concern i have is that i will be taking it hiking and skiing a lot . I believe that the D7000 is weather sealed and the D90 is not . I am a beginner just starting out . Does the sealed unit make that big of a difference in the snow as far as the moister. I don't want to get a camera that will be not be good in weather or do i want to over buy a camera that i will not use the extras. thank u for the help</p>
  9. <p> I am looking at getting a SLR . This will be my first SLR ( i have only had a point and shoot before) . Have been looking at the D90 . My question is this , is it better to buy just the body and buy a lens that will do a little bit of everything or just buy the body and lens that come as a package . A little back ground , i am a beginner so this will be a learn as you go camera. thank you for the help.</p>
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