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Image Comments posted by wenchmag





    I think the biggest issue is makeup/lighting, I have no doubt she is healthy looking in real life but the way she has been portrayed, with the expression and everything, makes her look gaunt. 


    and yes, we are all entitled to our opinion. 


    PS: As a healthproffessional - BMI is not always a accurate way of deciding if a person or patient is healthy or not i.e a body builder for example will have a very high BMI but that does NOT mean they are obese or un-healthy just means they have a lot of muscle. Same with a lower end of "normal" BMI can still mean the person needs to eat something or that they are unhealthy thin. Just sayin there is no such thing as "perfect BMI".



    I like the light, the use of mono... 


    but this girl is GAUNT. and it is very much ruining this photo for me. 

    It makes her look alien. I also think that the makeup and the shadowing of the model is making her cheeks and temples look even more sunken inn and it's a bit off putting. 

    Everybody likes different things, i think its a technically great portrait, but the alien looking girl is very wierd and ruins it for me.





    I was trying to take pictures of a local mountain range at sunset but this

    storm rolled in. Instead I am quite happy about these photos of the nearing


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