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Image Comments posted by den_bradshaw



    I'd spend less time playing with funky backgrounds and more time retouching your model!  The model is in an awkward, uncomfortable pose, and I'd recommend more contrast, and playing with the light a bit more.

    Green & red


    It's hard for me to tell what is the focus, or what is IN focus in this photo...  And the colors are so punched up that they lose the definition of the flower petals which meld into each other.  I'd try to get more contrast and find a focus...

  1. Needs more contrast and better management of blacks... your darkest black is grey at best, and considering this is in the halloween spirit, you'd probably want to go darker and more contrasty.

    As far as framing, the subject seems unclear... there's a large empty dirt patch in the foreground, and while you have an interesting shadow of the gate/fence on the tombstones, you didn't make that your focus.  The visual weight of the tree in the foreground distracts from a composition that seems to be about tombstones/graveyard... 



    With a wide angle this wide, try to put your subject's face near the center to avoid so much distortion.  Make sure you have your focus set on the focus of the composition... in this situation, probably her eyes... the current focus is her knees/chest...

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