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Posts posted by merle_miller2

  1. <p>I recently purchased a Nikon D7000 with an SDHC card and a Compact Flash card. I have been away from digital photography for quite a while and at that time there was only one size card available. Clearly the Compact Flash card is too big and it's a lesson learned.<br>

    There are other memory cards out there that I'm not familiar with. So, is there any place that describes the relationship between the various cards? For example...are all SD cards the size of my SDHC card? I also want to get a memory card holder, but again I'm confused on exactly what they will carry. None that I've found specify SDHC capacity.</p>


  2. <p>Thank you one and all for your responses. I appreciate all of your suggestions. Based on what I've been able to understand about these programs, it appears to me that Elements 9 would be a good starting point.<br>

    I do not take that many photos that I need a powerful tool to track and ID them. From what I can gather, this is where LR3 really shines. Although even with a meager collection of photos it is not a bad idea to think about organizing them in a coherent fashion. I have downloaded the trial version of LR and I'll be playing around with that for the next 30 days.<br>

    I don't know what to make of CS5 other than it is the most expensive by a long shot. If the 3 applications, this seems to have the biggest learning curve. I don't really know about file handling, but I see that it is bundled with LR3 sometimes which makes me think that it is not as capable a file handler as it could be. For photo manipulation it is the 800 pound gorilla. It seems to have a more robust B-W capability than maybe the other two, and that interests me. I think there's a trial version of CS5 that I might download to see first hand what I might be missing.<br>

    Lastly, Elements 9 seems like a good program to begin with. I don't have the workload of a professional photographer like noted in one of the responses. I assume that what I can learn from Elements can be applied to the other programs as my needs and expertise increase. Finally, I can't ignore the cost. If I find out that I really need something a little more advanced, I won't be out an arm and a leg. It seems like a good approach to start off with something like Elements to determine what my needs really are before looking elsewhere. <br>

    Now if I can just get Nikon to cooperate with the D7000 !</p>

  3. <p>I have been browsing for LR3, PS, and PE books on Amazon. Now, I'm more confused than ever. There must be a dozen or so books for each of the applications that would be useful, but how to pick among them? I'd love to fill out my library with them, but some of them are very expensive. There doesn't seem to be a correlation between price and whether readers consider them a good book.<br>

    Also, there were many books written about the Nikon D7000 even though it hasn't been released here. How do they pull that off?</p>

  4. <p>I downloaded the Trial Version of LR last night. This should give me a good feel as to what LR is all about. I should also pick one of the books that was recommended and work through that as well. <br>

    All of your recommendations have been good ones and are much appreciated. I had an earlier (very early) version of PS and all I could think about was what have I gotten into? I know I have some work ahead of me. Thanks for all the help.<br>

    Now...what can we do about getting Nikon to release the D7000 ? </p>


  5. <p>Is LR more like Elements or PS? I'm trying to get a handle on what it can and can't do. If it matters, right now my photos are relatively modest in number. I don't have to worry about 1,000s of photos to organize or edit. I think there's a trial sample available so maybe that's the way to go. <br>

    Does anyone have any recommendations for books about LR?<br>

    BTW - I assume that I should consider only LR 3 rather than earlier versions?</p>

  6. <p>After being away from photography for 10 years, I am trying to slowly immerse myself back into some photo editing software. I assume that Adobe is still the 800 pound gorilla in the closet, but what Adobe product?<br>

    I have looked on line at Photoshop, Elements, and Lightroom. I confess that I don't really understand the differences between those products. I have tried to find a comparison of those 3 products, but I haven't has any luck. Adobe would have you think that any of them would be fine (and maybe that's true), but I was hoping there was some independent evaluation out there that I just haven't found yet.<br>

    Any reccomendations, to track down those evaluations? Thanks for the help.</p>

    <p> </p>

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