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Album Comments posted by kellyrae

    5 hours ago, William Michael said:

    Brave Publication.

    Surely, you've studied (formally) - It is a very difficult task to create the set and then be a Subject who connects to the Camera's Lens and the Viewer's Eye: much more difficult than a mirror Self Portrait. 

    An expressive Artist with a passion for the technical, also. 35mm and 50mm Focal Length on 135 Format certainly cut to the guts, don't they.

    Very few have eye contact with the Camera - the simplicity, yet chaos of the props makes one look, then look again - to interpret then re-interpret: as with any excellent creation, the more one looks, the more one sees, the more questions one has.

    Primal, powerful Body of Work.




    Thank you for your thoughtful words, Michael. Yes, I have studied formally. I took my first film 101 Street Photography class with Henry Wessel Jr. at the San Francisco Art Institute. You many see his work here: https://www.sfmoma.org/artist/Henry_Wessel/  ( FYI  ANSEL ADAMS is the one who created the photography dept. at SFAI. ( now dumbly closed--another SF debacle)


    Henry was a wonderful teacher. A real nuts and bolts photographer who helped me set-up my darkroom in San Francisco.  I worked with him exclusively for two and a half years. He had great integrity and a big personality.

    After spending ten years with film photography, I made the leap to digital with some grumbling. I am sure all the old school photographers on Photo.net understand what I am saying when I say... GRUMBLING.

    I saw all my photography stores around town take down darkroom material week by week and replace it with digital. Oh boy... those were hard times, but I bought a digital camera, and I fumbled my way with it and with the photo applications which are married to it.  

    I mostly created street photography for over ten years, but then I lucked out and found a cheap studio on Pacific Ave. that was large enough to create a stage. This is where I taught myself studio lighting. I thought it was going to be easy... Ha ha ha... took about a year just to get a handle on lighting in any real deep sense. After that, I began a lot of experimentation.  

    I scouted for models out on the street and through the web. Brought them into the studio and created. Many of them are artists, so they helped with the staging which I am grateful, for two heads or more are better than one in my opinion. There were a few photoshoots where the models presented an idea which initially I thought was stupid, and fortunately, I acquiesced, and those sessions turned out to be some of my best!  Ego is never a plus when creating. One of my gripes with the art world in general. 


    Thank you for your consideration, Michael!   

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