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Status Updates posted by kellyrae

  1. Thank you, Adrian! I know. He has a newspaper clipping on his wall celebrating his 50th year cutting hair. It looks to be from some time ago. Some pretty hardy folks up north it seems...

  2. You have beautiful work! 

  3. Thank you for your kind words, Pierre! Thank you for visiting my work!

    1. Pierre Dumas

      Pierre Dumas

      That's what we are here for, Kellyrae!

  4. I appreciate your responses. 

    1. samstevens


      Likewise, I enjoy this kind of dialogue and agree it can be very helpful in a critique discussion if kept focused.

  5. Sorry i have been MIA. I hope everyone is doing well.   Kind Regards  Kelly Rae Daugherty

  6. I love that camera you have for your profile pic!
    1. bertliang


      Thanks so much!
  7. “ Twelve significant photographs in any one year is a good crop. – Ansel Adams
  8. https://kellyraedaugherty.smugmug.com
  9. Check out my website. My art is being suppressed.
    1. Charles_Webster


      In what manner? By whom? I looked at your site and see nothing controversial enough to warrant suppression by even the most conservative authorities.
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