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Posts posted by jedcarlson

  1. <p>Thanks for all of the quick responses. Looks like it's worth a test shoot to learn the sweet spots somewhere between 14mm and 23mm and at what f-stop it performs best as a backup lens. It should work fine when I get my 7D and I'll review members comments on the 16-36 versus the 17-40 for more serious landscape work with the 5D.<br>


  2. <p>The Tamron SP 10-24mm 3.5-4.5 Di is made for a crop-frame sensor like my T2i. Having said that, it has a red alignment mark on the lens that matches up with my 5D body and installs just fine.<br>

    The lens element does not extend beyond the lens body or interfer with the mirror, so when activated, it seems to work fine. <br>

    The only difference I see so far is that at it's widest 10mm to 11mm, the viewed image is similiar to a fisheye with alot of barrel distortion with a circular image and blacked out borders.<br>

    I was ready to purchase the Canon EF 16-35L or Canon EF 17-40L for landscape work with my 5D before I discovered this potential usage.<br>

    Before I go through extensive testing, will this combination perform to at least the specifications of the Tamron (with the exception of the 10-11mm range), or is the image degraded and not worth the effort? Any experience out there would be appreciated.<br>

    Thanks, Ed</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p><a href="http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20110815/23584515540/police-say-they-can-detain-photographers-if-their-photographs-have-no-apparent-esthetic-value.shtml">http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20110815/23584515540/police-say-they-can-detain-photographers-if-their-photographs-have-no-apparent-esthetic-value.shtml</a><br>

    It's one thing to have security guards questioning your presence, but how about those Long Beach, CA police who can stop and detain you and with an esthetically trained eye, can determine if your photos are of no value and therefore a potential security threat. Now that's an interesting photo critique process. I understand the issue of security and of not causing a scene when approached. We also hear of occasional harassment when taking photos around the Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles.</p>

  4. <p>Yes: I duplicated your unacceptable results with a warm color shift using AWB and WB tungsten manual select (3200k). I tried custom WB using a sheet of white photo paper and the results are more in balance with what I would accept (based on the LCD view only). I tried the WB/Shift feature (the GAMB X-Y grid) without using the custom WB and could not get acceptable results due to my lack of experience in using WB/Shift. My T2i does not have a "k" selection mode to incrementally cool the 3200k down to 3000k or less. Does anyone know how to set the X-Y axis to change the Kelvin in increments or doesn't it work like that.<br>

    Ed Carlson</p>

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