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Posts posted by simon_damast

  1. <p>Thanks everyone... I took your advice changed the lens, shot a close of a page in a book from a tripod and it is sharp.... I suspect the problem is all of the above.... mainly DOF and possibly the camera focusing on the wrong part of the picture although I do have is set up for the centre focus area. Having the ASA at 100 and using a long lens I guess sucked all the light and although it was a bright sunny day I was forced to shoot wide open as I had a pretty high shutter speed for the kid. Lots of variables to think about in a millisecond moment.<br>

    So I guess the question is now if I want a super crisp picture under these conditions I probably would have to push my ASA but would that in turn create grain and therefore not the crisp I am after?? I don't think changing the shutter speed is the answer and therefore the aperture wouldn't change.....<br>

    PS can anyone tell me how to keep the EXIF in tact when reducing the picture size?<br>

    Thanks All</p>

  2. <p>Sorry not quite sure how to keep EXIF data in tact.. It was shot in large format so had to resize it to post to the web (I used photoshop) and reduced the image size to 20% of the original. Parts of the hair seem to be in focus but the focus was set on her eyes. ASA 100, aperture priority to try get depth of field.. nice medium aperture to keep shutter speed up<br>

    Hope this helps</p>

  3. <p>Hi, I have a Nikon D40x and for some reason my photos are not sharp.. I've tried everything.. changing aperture to increase depth of field, manually setting the ASA to 100, tried it on manual settings and auto etc etc.. but am not having luck. I suspect it is not the lense but the camera. Is there anything I can do to test / check and fix this error.<br>


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