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Posts posted by peter_sanders2

  1. <p>@ME:<br>

    This is not the case. I know that there will not be a 600mm/4 while they have APSC format. They already have that. The 300mm/4 is effectively a 450mm/4, close to a 500mm/4. With full frame, I expect that (assuming they did it at the right time and hadn't gone under by then) within ten years, they would release a FF super telephoto. So yes, I expect FF and super telephoto, but for reasons and with time. I don't expect a FF DSLR from PENTAX until 2015. The Photo.net community, I figured, would know more, so I asked this question to confirm. After that, they would need longer lenses for the same FOV. They would need a new telephoto of at least 500mm/4. I already have that for APSC, essentially (though at f/5.6). However, a 600mm/4 on APS-C would be 900mm/4, and would be way outside of my price range if it is near that of the old one. If I wait, either the used price will go down, the film-era ones will go way down used, or both.</p>


    I have considered that. Strongly. I lean towards the 300mm/2.8 from Sigma, though. I have basically stopped hoping for a PENTAX super telephoto, so now I have a Nikon F-50 that I picked up for $20 on eBay (with 28-200mm/3.5-5.6 AF and MF 50mm/1.4) and am watching for a cheap (all things considered; I know it will exceed 2K) Nikon for 600mm/4.</p>

    <p>I'm not a "fruitcake;" I gave thought to this, and I am completely willing to accept it may be wrong, but nobody knows. It is all just theory, examples, and counterexamples. I think that it is unreasonable not to expect this in time. I just want to know how much time.</p>

  2. <p>Not quickly, but on APSC, the marketing team is treating every lens as x1.5. They WILL NOT come out with a 600/4 on APSC. That is my main reason for wanting FF. Right now, they see their 300mm/4 as that, and their 200mm/2.8 as the 300mm/2.8. That won't work on FF. It will eventually happen, though, with a FF DSLR coming out.</p>
  3. <p>Again and again, there have been rumors of Pentax full frame. These have mostly been wishful thinking. At PentaxForums, there is record of a correspondence between Pentax and an administrator of said forums, seen <a href="<a href="http://www.pentaxforums.com/news/pentax-and-full-frame.html" target="_blank">www.pentaxforums.com/news/pentax-and-full-frame.html</a>">here</a>. Assuming it is taken before the R&D team and scheduled for production after a working prototype, etc., what kind of time frame are we looking at here? What price range?</p>
  4. <p>I, as a rule, do not use flash on animals, especially nocturnal ones. However, deer commonly look directly into everything from the "brights" on a car to a 500mW laser pointer, by one account, unfazed. Would the same apply to flash? If not, does it apply if they have already been staring into head lights (assuming that doesn't light them well enough)?</p>
  5. <p>I have the following AJAX on a page:<br>

    //Browser Support Code<br />function ajaxFunction()<br /><br /><br /> <br /> ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()<br /> {<br /> if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)<br />&n bsp; {<br /> document.getElementByID('centerFi eld').innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;<br /> }<br /> } <br /> var view = Document.GetElementById("wv");<br /> &nb sp;var query = "?view=" + view;<br /> ajaxRequest.open("GET", "wv.php" + query, true);<br /> ajaxRequest.send(null);<br /> <br /> <br /> }<br>

    It is linked to centerfield, which is

    <td id="centerField"> </td>

    , to wv.php, which contains no errors, though it used to, and to a set of radio buttons. I can post more script where necessary, but I believe that all that will be necessary is this and the wv.php page, possibly.</p>


  6. <p>Also, I have an ajax script to pull up their private messages and so that they can post and send messages, etc., and when I click on one of the radio buttons, it says "error on page" in the indicator on the bottom left of IE and Firefox. I think bottom right of Chrome. I assume in this case that it is either a JS error in the AJAX, or a PHP error in the page contingent thereof. I then manually checked the PHP page. That works flawlessly after debugging it, but an error is still returned. How can I ask it to returna more specific error, or better yet, where is the error?<br>

    Please and thank you, again.</p>

  7. For those who have answered my previous question in this forum, this is a feature of the social network I am writing. I

    have written a chat room in AJAX, and now I need help. I have it set to write the posted messages to the innerHTML

    of a textarea. document.getElementByID('postedText').innerHTML = document.myForm.time.value =

    ajaxRequest.responseText; where the response is the return from an SQL database on the chat server.

    First, is my JS innerHTML sound?

    Second, how do I make it update when anyone says anything, instead of when that user says something

    (for instance, Bob says "hello." he sees that he said hello. Nancy does not. Nancy says "hello." She now sees that

    Bob had said hello first, and Bob will not know she has said hello until he says something else. I don't like this. How

    do I fix it?

    Please and thank you.

  8. <p>I was quite vague. When I said "they" ("where they frequent"), I was referring to the animals in general, not what I asked the question about.</p>
  9. <p>Same here. Two times I got within two arm's lengths of an egret (I knew where it was, but couldn't see it until then on one occasion) on the other occasion, I got a bunch of shots. Even a couple of keepers. On another occasion, I was 20 feet from Green Heron. Most times, though, I cannot get within 1.5-2 street widths of them, at best. Even when approaching them at a curve towards a tree on the other side of the road.</p>
  10. <p>Okay. I have taken the time to learn how to track and find where they frequent to wait for the picture, but what do I do for Egrets and Herons? They fly too high up when on the way to their roost for me to be able to follow them. I used to know where their roost was, but big business has decided that they needed an 32nd subdivision, and tore down the tree, so how do I find it? If you can't or won't (due to potential ethics issues for people who won't bother to read contingent/pertinent ethics pages), how can I approach one that is out and about (fishing) without startling them (away)?</p>
  11. <p>I basically have everything cleared up, but when I try to save the databases with no values in the rows, it says "That is not a number." Do I do something to the default value, or what? (this is my first SQL project)</p>
  12. <p>I looked into it, and:</p>


    <p>So unless something changed serverside that was asynchronous to the data being sent to the client side (and thus I was unaware of)</p>


    <p>It said it created databases; it gave me cred's, but my account registers no databases having been created.</p>

  13. <p>The website and the database are both provided by 000webhost. The domain whose cred's I provided and which I operate the site off of were created from the site hosting *account*, on 000webhost, and for a 000webhost-owned domain; I would assume that they have tied it to the domain that I am using. Is that safe to assume?<br>

    Also, I have a file freg.htm, which has a form whose action is freg.php. Freg means FirstRegister, and the php is identical to this, except that it has a section to create a table. Should I upload that to the host and use it (not linked to or from any other pages) and then just delete it from the host afterward, keep it on there, or something else (i.e. request instruction or a link thereto on the manual creation of datatables)?</p>

  14. <p>The credentials were provided by 000webhost when I created the database, as to my specifications, in the form of php variables, which I saved to a .txt file, and now copy and paste into the top of any page that involves SQL.<br /> So unless something changed serverside that was asynchronous to the data being sent to the client side (and thus I was unaware of), they are accurate.</p>

    <p>Those are the credentials to a different database which I have created for the purpose of questions like this, containing the same content as the real database. (as I can have a GB of tables per database, and I can just use a different table). There is probably nobody here as paranoid about internet security as me.</p>

    <p>I don't know how to connect to the database except with a PHP - SQL script, so no to that.</p>

  15. <p>I am writing a social network using notepad++, and have thus far used AJAX, CSS, HTML, JS, SQL, and PHP. In this question, only the last two are important. I am inserting the user information into the database using insert.php, the action page of register.php, an included portion of logi.php, the login page, which you are redirected to by index.php in the event that you did not try to log in and you have no login session cookies; the login page takes you back to index.php (the action of logi.php), which validates your username and password against the user database and the administrator log in information.<br>

    **The trouble is that I get the following:<br /><br />Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'a8994846_112358'@'' (using password: YES) in /home/a8994846/public_html/insert.php on line 37<br /><br />Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/a8994846/public_html/insert.php on line 39<br /><br />Access denied for user 'a8994846_112358'@'' (using password: YES)<br>

    When I submit the data to the following:<br>

    <?php<br />if ( $_REQUEST['sname'] )<br /> {<br /> session_name($_REQUEST['sname']);<br /> }<br />else<br /> {<br /> session_name('loginfo');<br /> }<br />session_start();<br />echo ' <html><head><title>Sending. .</title>';<br /> <br /> $un1 = $_POST["userN"] ;<br /> $pw1 = $_POST["pasWd"] ;<br /> $pc1 = $_POST["cPasWd"] ;<br /> $fN1 = $_POST["fName"] ;<br /> $lN1 = $_POST["lName"] ;<br /> $fulN1 = '$fN1'.'$lN1' ;<br /> $bD1 = $_POST["DOB"] ;<br /> <br /> $un = md5($un1) ;<br /> $pw = md5($pw1) ;<br /> $cp = md5($pc1) ;<br /> $fulN = md5($fulN1) ;<br /> $bD = md5($bD1) ;<br /> $txt = '../'.$fn1 ;<br /> $mtxt = '../m'.$fn1;<br /> <br /> if ($pw == $cp)<br /> {<br /> $mysql_host = "mysql8.000webhost.com";<br /> $mysql_database = "a8994846_Users";<br /> $mysql_user = "a8994846_112358";<br /> $mysql_password = "1123581321_sql";<br /> <br /> //Connect to MySQL Server<br /> $con = mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_password);<br /> //Select Database<br /> mysql_select_db($mysql_database,$con) or die(mysql_error());<br /><br /> $sql="INSERT INTO Personal (Username, Password, FullName, Age, Text, mText)<br /> VALUES ('$un','$pw','$fulN','$bD','$txt','$mtxt')";<br /><br /> if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))<br /> {<br /> die('Please Restart Process. Error: ' . mysql_error());<br /> }<br /> <br /> mysql_close($con);<br /> <br /> header( 'Location: http://TheSN.host22.com/' );<br /> }<br /> <br /> else<br /> {<br /> header( 'Location: http://TheSN.host22.com/register2.php' );<br /> }<br /><br />echo ' </head></html>';<br />?></p>

  16. <p>So:<br>

    <strong>A</strong>: it will work on digital (despite the sensor-mounted IR filter)<br>

    <strong>B</strong>: it only looses one stop (even though you cut out most of the spectrum! I'm guessing (since the results are in B&W) that the B&W is made from the red channel (y/n))<br>

    also, does the idea about unexposed (but developed) E6 film really work?<br>

    Thank you for the quick reply.</p>

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