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Posts posted by steve_bills

  1. <p>I love taking photos of babies and in particular I love the effect of the fathers hands cradling the newborn with a totally black back ground. The only problem is I can't quite work out how to do it. Is it just a case of have a black drop sheet that you actually have the father behind and just his arms sticking through or is there a better technique? In case I I haven't explained the sort of image I am talking about clearly enough I have included a link to an image. </p>


    <p>Can anyone help me?</p>


  2. <p>Hi all,<br>

    I've just recently bought a Canon 5D2 and am <strong>really </strong>happy with it. I quickly worked out that, being as I still work with CS3, that I needed to convert the RAW images to DNG before I could process them in PS. The question I have is that whilst the DNG files are around 20MB+, if I crop even just a little bit of them they they reduce down to only about 1 - 1.5 MB as a Jpeg. If I don't crop them and just process them and convert them as is to Jpegs then they are around 10 - 13MB. I'm promising my clients high resolution images but I'm a bit concerned they may query, me if I give them some images that are 1MB and others that are 13MB. Am I doing something wrong in my work flow or is this just the way it is????</p>


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