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Posts posted by mark_johnson41

  1. <p>It was Wouter, not me, who brought up Apple. I have no intentions of purchasing anything from Apple anytime soon.</p>

    <p>I did a fresh install of my XP OS fairly recently, and I did a fresh update of .NET Framework when attempting to install Capture One, so I doubt that it's my XP that is preventing Capture One from installing. But it's no big deal because like I said I gave the lens distortion program in GIMP a try and was satisfied with the results, so that's what I'll be using when the need arises.</p>

  2. <p>Thanks for weighing in, Wouter. Irfanview might be an oldie, but in my opinion its a still goodie because as far as pure image quality goes, especially RAW conversion, I have yet to see any new program that significantly outperforms it. And besides I don't do a lot of post processing, so Irfanview meets my needs just fine. Irfanview does however lack lens distortion correction, and that's why I wanted to give Capture One a try.<br>

    I've used GIMP in the past but I wasn't familiar with it's lens correcting feature, so this afternoon I played around with it and corrected the distortion on some of my images and I was impressed with the results, so I think I've found my answer and I'm going to make GIMP a part of my work flow when needed.<br>

    As far as XP goes, maybe I'm just blessed but I've never had security issues, and I don't even run an antivirus program, so for the foreseeable future I'm going to stay with XP. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Bill Gates!</p>

  3. <p>Thank you for the link. I should have communicated in my original post that after the error message's link to Microsoft didn't work, I went on my own to the Microsoft site and downloaded and installed a fresh copy of .NET Framework 4.0, and after that didn't get Capture One up and running I tried again with v4.5.<br>

    Oh well, it's not the end of the world. I currently use Irfanview and am very happy with it, but I wanted to try Capture One for it's lens distortion correcting abilities. Seeing as I can't use Capture One I'll try and find a stand alone program to do the job.</p>


  4. <p>I know that XP isn't ideal, but I'm not a Microsoft fan and it sticks in my craw to have to give them any of my money to upgrade my operating system.<br>

    I tried using Capture One's installer link for the .NET Framework install, but it didn't do any good. Maybe phaseone doesn't want their software installed on older machines and they've made it so you can't install Capture One on an XP machine. I'll keep messing with it and see what I can come up with. </p>

  5. <p>I'm running WinXP and I downloaded and installed an older version (6.4.5) of Capture One, but when I try to open the program I get the following error message:<br>

    'To run this application you first must install one of the following versions of the .NET Framework: .NETFramework version=v4.0.' <br>

    I've got .NET Framework 4.5 installed on my computer so I don't understand why Capture One won't run. Any suggestions?</p>

  6. <p>Thanks for the link JDM. I was able to get my lenses disassembled, and the good news is that the haze wasn't on the inside of the lens cell assembly so I didn't have to take the cell apart, and I was able to clean it off and now I'm good to go.</p>
  7. <p>I've got a couple of FD lenses (50mm 1.4 breech and 28mm 2.8 breech) that have some haze on their front elements, and I want to take the lenses apart to clean them. Question: Are the front elements accessible from the front of the lenses, or do I need to go through the rear to get them out?</p>
  8. <p>OK, great... I've got a couple of FD lenses, and I'm thinking about going to an m4/3 camera for digital imaging, and it's good to know that if I get an m4/3 FD adapter I can use either the breech lock or bayonet style of FD lens with the adapter.<br>

    Thanks for the help guys.</p>

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