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Image Comments posted by photomedic



    This is an assignment from Photo Design class on "Balance" I used

    Asymmetry rather than Balance as the subject. I believe the light

    and dark thing is also at work here. Thanks for your thoughts.


    Tank Track

    Thanks, I had converted this from color and that may account for the flatness of the greyscale. Yes it is a Tank track I am uncertain the era of the than it apperar to be (just a guess) early WW II.

    Tank Track


    A result of my recent photo design class - have I learned anything?

    Have I brought design elements together in this shot? Does anything

    work here? Your thoughts are appreciated, thanks


    Empty Shells

    Having just finished a class in photo design at college I only wish I had done this shot. What great work. I can only imagine how it would look beatifully printed in b&w on rich fiber paper. Good work.

    Red Fender


    Discovered this shot while doing some event photography. This guitar

    has much character, I just wonder the sounds it has made in it's

    lifetime. Thanks for your critique

    Gift of Life


    A college assignment with Gift of Life as a theme. This was selected

    and used as a poster in an Red Cross blood drive campaign. I wanted an

    image that would reach out to various populations and could be seen as

    either giving or recieving.


    I'm not sure what adjectives I can uuse that have'nt allready been used. Imaginative, striking, sensual, and an emphatic WOW! Between this and your other folder I find your work awesome (this one with a kind of cinematic feel and your other one a commercial /advertising feel). Keep up the great work



    An assignment for a digital B&W class. The photo is from a B&W

    negative I found stuffed away somewhere. I'm guessing it's 40 - 50

    years old. I scanned the negative then colored selected areas using

    hue/saturation in the rgb mode.

    Moon at Lake Tahoe

    Nice work on all of your shots. This one in paticular really puts me in the place - I feel cold just looking at it. I will come back to it this hot summer to chill out.

    Broken Earth


    Please critique me! This is fast becoming one of my personal

    favorites. I believe it its my most sucessfull digital work thus

    far. This was done in an Advanced Studio class for the Earth Day

    theme, showing the fragility of our planet.

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