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Image Comments posted by yannick_ying

  1. Geoff, thank you for your comments. I took this picture with the same level of my sight while going down the steps of Montmartre, Paris. Perhaps I should have taken notice of the view below. Your suggestion is a good idea. Thank you.


  2. You are very kind for your comments. Thank you, Douglas. I am wondering wheather I should have tanken the photo from another angle so as to let it to have a nicer proportion between trees and the building.

    If you have a chance to travel in Hangzhou, please contact me. I'd like to be your voluntee guide.

    Best wishes,


    Golden Coast


    Thank your for your comments, Pierre!

    The original size of this photo is 4912X1080. Even a longer panorama size is available in Sony HX1, 7152X1080.

    Your works are so great. Thank you!



    Golden Coast


    I like Sony HX1 very much. It could take a panoramic view of about 220 degree. The operation is as easy as  using video camera. The full view is taken only by one time. I hope the model will be developed by Sony.





    Sorry, something wrong with my opration. The title should be "Cloth Tiger", that is, toy tiger made of cloth. This is a kind of Chinese traditional craftwork. To the Chinese, tiger is a symbol of keeping thev evils away. The craftwork is quite popular in China with different local styles.


    Doorsill chat!


    A nice picture! I often wonder wheather there is some link between indians in America and Tibetians. Hats, dresses, and even facial features are somewhat alike. 




    The English title of the photo is "Sunyata", that is, "zero, nothing". or "nonexistence of the self". What we see on the photo is nothing except for the temple and the monk's hat and dress.

  3. The English title is "Watcher of the Temple". The Potala Palace was built in the nineth century and rebuilt in 1645. The lion has been watching at least for over three hundred years.

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