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Posts posted by comperry

  1. <p>Hello all,<br>

    For the last month or so I have been trying my luck in submitting some of my digital images to online stock photo companies...Up until now I have only submitted images to two of them..<br>

    I am frustrated and confused with these companies and myself ! Out of the 20 or so submissions I have had only 3 of my digital photo images be accepted and placed in their libraries..I have been submitting the highest resolution files and files that I think should be technically good enough to be accepted..<br>

    Most of my rejections seem to be due to the technical aspect of my images when blown to 100%.... These are images that I have had printed by photo labs and they turn out to be good quality prints at 8x10, 11x14. 16x20..A couple of days ago I submitted two more files..In my opinion these files had good vivid colors right out of the camera, and I did minimal to no alteration beyond making the horizon straighter prior to submitting the files..<br>

    I am wondering if there is a good reliable way I can look at each of my own files to see if they are technically good enough before I submit them to these companies such as I-Stock photo, Getty, etc ....<br>

    I use I- photo to upload and process my photos and my computer/ monitor is a Mac-book Pro.. I am also trying to sell some of same images on Etsy..I am wondering if trying to sell images to stock companies that deal with designers who want stock images is a different animal from trying to sell my professionally printed images to the public consumer that shops on Etsy?<br>

    I am starting to lose confidence in my judgement of whether my photos are images of good or poor quality :/<br>


    <p> </p>

  2. I was taking watching this beautiful sunrise while taking an early morning

    stroll at a park close to my house :) ( I had to make this file size a much

    smaller one to upload)<div>00Y02t-319249584.jpg.d9337850f6cb83cd074b6b47f6bafed3.jpg</div>

  3. <p>Thank you to everybody for the comments and help..I learned a lot! I am still a fairly inexperienced photographer but I enjoy learning new things about photography..It is fun and informative to come to you guys through a forum like this, and seek information and opinions ! I love the extra benefit of getting to see your photos:) I ended up having a test print made of my image( from epson printer) I loved the quality of the paper and print, but I think I will wait and shoot more photos before I make my final choice of which images to submit to the contest..I still have a little time..Dec 30th deadline:)<br>


  4. <p>Hello everyone,<br>

    I am going to enter a photo contest that my workplace is sponsoring..I am supposed to submit my digital photos in jpeg format( no raw files allowed). I use a Macbook Pro laptop and I have I-photo to make minor adjustments on my digital photos.. The camera I use to shoot my photos is a Canon Xsi, 12.3 megapixel DSLR..<br>

    Is there a foolproof way that I can tell if my files will make good quality 16x 20 prints without spending money to have them test printed? Having this information will guide me in which photos I select for submission.<br>

    Thank you<br>


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