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Posts posted by thomas_e_loughlin_jr1

  1. <p>I am a professional and shoot with P and S cameras whenever I am in control of the overall scene and don't have to wave a behemoth of a camera at the subjects to get respect. I have sold other photos to major publications USING the behemoths which I could have easily created with a respectable point and shoot...risking much less if the "shoot" caused me drop the camera. (I do a lot of outdoor work and action). What a shame it is that one has to bring a TRANSFORMER or something out of Spielberg to impress clients.(that being my F90x Nikon filmer. VIVA FILM!<br>

    I have had wonderful results with two cameras in particular..the Minox CD 70 a little workhorse with a magnificent metering system which makes no fuss..just great photos...and the second, the Canon Sure Shot Z135 and Caption version (phooey on captions and dates) The Canon's lens is great, the strobe is MIGHTY (two 3v 123 batteries) metering is wonderful, 7 shooting modes and the thing is metal. I shot with it even when a scalp injury had me (and it) covered in blood lying in the street in my home town due to a fall. ..blood that made my cell phone inoperative. The canon AW 1 waterproof-underwater has a stunning lens, too... but there are my two Minox and Canon.<br>

    Tom Loughlin Jr, Utica NY</p>

  2. <p>While the string was started by a fellow asking about lenses only, there is a lot more.<br>

    Portability., Cold operation .and lens, metering, etc.<br>

    have a look at these drugstore (not pro) developed- drugstore CD- not rigorously enhanced shots made by my<br>

    composition-aware but tecnhically somewhat less adept lady friend with her Minox CD 70 small zoom 35 mm .<br>


    <img src="http://picasaweb.google.com/telsport/KarenMcBrideSGESkiClubBanffPhotographsMinox35mm" alt="" /><br>

    Very portable, easy to use and cold functional. Not ultimate..but you can get these jewels (and I MEAN jewels) for low bucks on ebay...sometimes under $30,00. Metering is excellent...and I have produced magazine quality images even with 800 asa film.<br>

    Tom Loughlin Jr.</p>

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