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Posts posted by helleman

  1. How bout a picture with brother or sister? Prop up baby with pillow to see a non-scrunchy face.


    I like black shirts on mom to attract looks to the faces myself. Something with texture is nice though. Turtleneck sweater is cool. Keeps people from looking at necks.<div>0054iE-12656584.jpg.cbfbc6310f3ec739ab5da55852920d99.jpg</div>

  2. Has any company ever made a fixed zoom Rangefinder (200mm - 300mm

    35mm equivalent)?


    I've got a Fuji Wide Angle RF that I love for landscapes but for

    portraits and animals I'd love a zoom.


    My dream would be to own a Mamiya 7 with a wide and a zoom, but $$$




  3. There will be no concensus until we agree what the problems are. I would propose an issue list.


    What are the general solvable issues?


    1. Remove abuses

    2. Promote USEFUL discussion in image reviews, feedback to posters

    3. Minimize time impact on philg and gang


    Does everyone agree that these three items are the key to finding a resolution to the photo rating system?


    How do you resolve 1? User moderation system

    How do you resolve 2? Provide insentives for people adding USEFUL feedback on images... ie. User moderation system

    How do you resolve 3? User moderation system, no fixed moderators.


    Just my 3.5 cents.

  4. Rachel: The beauty of the moderation system is you make it user run. No work involved by the maintainers, it runs its self.


    How you ask? When every someone posts something, others in the community that find the information valuable (that have moderation abilities) can mark the posting as +1, +2 up to +5. Or, if they feel it is bad advice, can mark it as -1.


    How do you become a moderator? At first, people well respected in the community could be approached to be a moderator. As time goes on, those people that visit photo.net regularly are randomly asked to become moderators automatically. The system tracks users and their habits and those that qualify randomly are asked to moderate.


    This works very well for the tens of thousands of visitors daily to slashdot.


    The score of a posting is public, and users can choose to view all comments or set a threshold viewing level (ie I only want to see postings who's moderation level is higher than 2 to weed out junk). Or for those who are short on time, they could set their level to 5 to see only the GOLD postings, really juicy stuff.


    If you get your postings moderated up, this earns you karma. Also, being a regular visitor earns you some karma. Also, posting highly regarded photographs earns you karma.


    Then, when you go to post pictures OR rate photographs, you have to spend your karma.


    Cool, hey? And the best part is once it is set up, it runs itself !



  5. A moderation system seems to work well enough for slashdot (http://www.slashdot.org). The idea of 'karma' - those users that post useful information earn you points that you can use towards rating others. Rating points are a resource that you have to earn.


    Wouldn't your ratings mean more from people the community admires vs. joe blow shooter or mean shmuck (aka anonymous cowards).


    I also propose that you can also gain karma points by posting highly rated photographs (kind of a self propegating system).


    While we are on the topic of moderation, I also propose that we add a moderation system to the user comments, so that if someone gives obviously bad advice (or potentially dangerous advice as sometimes happens) it can be moderated down. Again, I point to you slashdot to see how this works (and works VERY well). FREELY available code exists (slashcode - as written in perl) exists that could be modified to fit in the photo.net framework.


    See http://www.slashdot.org/faq/com-mod.shtml for more information on how the moderation system works at slashdot for ideas. We would of course have to tailor the system to photo.net, but I think it would result in a much more meaningful rating system!


    Plus, it encourages people to invest time and effort in answering questions and gives people reasons to post only their most excellent photographs! (Charge people karma to post pictures, this would prevent people from posting TOO many photos).


    Oh... one more thing. I propose that Tony Dummett and Ellis Vener start with +50 points, and the rest of us shmucks at zero. <grin>



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