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Posts posted by dave_clark4

  1. <p> Anton, The FL lens line is an older group of lenses not designed for automatic exposure. The A-M ring allows the camera to stop down to your selected f stop when you press the shutter when making an exposure but remaining wide open for viewing until then. The m mode stops down the lens and it stays at the f stop you have selected. </p>
  2. <p> I have a Sony Nex 6 with the 16-50 zoom. I compared the clear image zoom with my Leica 90mm and my Voigtlander 75mm and the results were really surprising. The clear image is not quite as sharp as the other 2 lenses, and you don't have the larger apertures, but not having to carry another lens around on my walks really interests me. My question, can someone explain to me what the clear image zoom is doing, as there is also a digital zoom function?<br>


  3. <p>When going out to shoot, I had the choice of either Leica M6 0.58, Bessa R2, or M4-2. My favorite was the R2 with the summicron 40mm. It was my perfect solution to size, weight, quality, and matching my vision. My M6 was a beauty to behold and a pleasure to use, but it was so much easier to haul the R2 and summi around. You already are using these, so I guess I'm not really adding anything to the discussion...but as they say" the grass is always greener..." <br>


  4. <p>Hi, all. I am now the proud owner of a nex 6 camera, with a question about manual focus with a legacy lens. My kit lens in manual focus will enlarge the image for a short time. Is it possible to do this with my 40mm summi? Focus peaking works ok, but sometimes the enlarged image would be nice. Thanks for any help that you may offer.<br>


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