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Image Comments posted by mark_williams26

  1. Rejoice yes!  Heights, hmmm...I'll take your word for it.  Good clear shot, the DOF is good to allow the focus on the boy.  He looks happy and elated.  The shot's story is weak over-all, either move in a little on the boys face or zoom out a bit more to get a better sense of perception.  Perhaps consider different angles?  Regardless, he is making me smile so something is working.     

    sleeping rough


    Well, the story is all too visible ... your shot depicts vulnerability, haplessness and yet in a morbid way the drawing above and her expression seems almost childlike.  With respect to altering the original, I am a fan of cropping and would like to have it pulled in a bit tighter, less foreground.  Not sure if that is a moth or leaf on her hip, but it seems to add an element of time passing.  The exposure seems a tad bright, especially in the mid to upper range of the shot, but the main figure is focused and in this case, all that matters.  I guess this shot is why I stick to birds ... good job!

    Seagull (1)


    I am looking for a critique on the photo as I am trying to sense what

    limits can be pushed with my high optical zoom camera. I can't move yet

    to a SLR/Telephoto but appreciate the feedback to what I can produce

    currently. Thanks.

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