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Image Comments posted by ffmoy



    Beautiful photograph fine Art " Natural Expression " from Ela ", like Rembrant by Ligth.  Mr. Dumas you are a Master in photoshop, I was looking all yours photos, you know a lot of the Art. 



    Federico F. Moy

    FLUSS -1


    Great Shot, my dear Shark, I liked the perpective and the water move is good, but I think that lacking human Factor (Woman ).

    maybe  you must more close up the choose this stones in the river.


    Federico F. Moy



    Mi super Brener esta espectacular, Pero me da tambien mucha risa al ver la foto, aqui tu concepto lo entiendo mas lo que quiere decir la foto. te avantaste un 10.

    Esta Fantastica, simula mas el corte. 

    cordial Saludos

    Federico F. Moy

    El Balcon


    Brener, que va hacer la niña, se ve que tiene mucho frio, 

    El frio la va a matar o ya esta desepcionada de la vida  ?????

    Cual es tu historia mi super Brener.

    me acorde del aguila que esta aterrizando con patas de Quirodactilo, me hizo reir mucho esa foto. 

    Es de reflexion tu foto tienes la chispa de querer inventar algo siempre.  

    cordial saludo

    Federico F. Moy



    Like The music, exist silence sounds, are beatifull, in photography are dead space, you used a lot, is not good,there are a lot black color in yours photo.

    You use The triangle form in the scene principal in your photo is good, is equal to conflicto, The women are, but are beatifull.


    The oblique line had dynamics in your photo. Was


    Your photo is erotic, with The Windows form triangle and The trunk, and The woman repeat with your arm left The triangle, is not necessary.

    The build up is very good, The woman is on number Phi.

    You must, The woman to pose more natural but I saw Stiffness. (very few )

    I thing you give more detail in shadows.

    Remenber. " triangle "exposition".


    Astrid, was a dificult to write in English. But i like you passion in The photography.

    I hope understood my bad english.



    Fererico F. Moy.

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