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Posts posted by gary_newgali

  1. <p>Hello<br>

    I am having a website built to sell, or attempt to sell digital prints. I've looked at over a hundred sites offering similar things. Some artists have the copyright symbol and their name on each image, while others do not. Do you think a buyer would be distracted from the image? What is the best practice? <br>

    next question, should I apply the symbol/name(if the answer is yes), on all images, before I turn my images over to the designer, or do most designers want original images?<br>

    I appreciate the thought that goes into replying to people's posts.<br>


  2. <p>I am in an uncomfortable situation where a friend of one of my family who is a web designer is going to design and build my website...in an effort to sell digital prints.</p>

    <p>When I inquired about file sizes he said he'd like my originals, that he would than resize and watermark. The last time I shared images I ended up seeing some of my photo's on greeting cards. <br>

    I am not interested with the worry and anxiety that would go along with sending any originals to anyone besides my printer.<br>

    I have looked at over a hundred websites, some photographers have their copywrite symbol and name on each image, while some do not. I was leaning towards having each image downsized for the web, and than applying the "C". From a technical standpoint what file sizes/res. should my images be so my designer can work with them?<br>

    How should I handle this to ensure my images/me are protected?<br>

    any thoughts about having the redundancy of copywrite symbol/name on each individual image?<br>

    are there any articles that I can quote that handle this subject matter?<br>

    thanks kindly</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>I guess my definition of "Fine Art" is art specifically purchased for display as such. Vs. portraiture that documents an occasion such as wedding, or commercial art that may involve product shoot for example. Some of my work is abstract I suppose(taking elemental parts of a building perhaps), some involves nature, some involve people and places. I know I am still being somewhat vague but hopefully it helps a bit. thanks kindly</p>
  4. <p>I wonder if anyone can guide me. I am a fine art photographer but also so portraiture work as well. I would like to begin selling my work online but want to make sure the venue's I select are worthwhile. Many have stated that ETSY no longer is very productive...as a selling source. Anyone have the time to come up with 3-5 sites that could be productive? I am dealing with the residuals of a traumatic brain injury...and it is incredibly difficult making heads or tails of all the offerings a person comes upon when doing web-searches. It would also be helpful to me knowing some reputable websites that post --freelance gigs, or sites looking for submissions for various types of projects. Any help is/would be greatly appreciated. </p>
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