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Posts posted by madan_mohan_chakraborty1

  1. <p>Beware of buying anything from Prerna:<br>

    Hi, my name is Madan Mohan Chakraborty, and I am a very serious amateur photographer. I am into this art for more than twenty years, and I have had my exhibition in various places of the world. As a profession, I work for a prestigious Tata Group organization as a senior executive. I am based of Calcutta.<br>

    <a href="http://www.usefilm.com/photographer/109689.html">http://www.usefilm.com/photographer/109689.html</a><br>

    <a href="http://jpgmag.com/people/mmchak">http://jpgmag.com/people/mmchak</a><br>

    Though I am a Canon user, recently, I had to buy a Nikon 300/F4 lens. The lens was not available with my Calcutta vendor Tanvir, and I was in Bombay. I purchased this lens from Prerna, and same day I returned to Calcutta. Prerna’s Rajesh Bhatiya (9820152000), insisted that the available lens is without paper, and also I save VAT which is more than almost 8,000/-. However, as we are buying from grey for last 20 years, I didn’t think much.<br>

    On my return, I found that the lens is not always focusing perfectly, and a strange ghrrrr sound is coming when the lens is hunting even in broad day light high contrast situation. I immediately called Prerna’s Rajesh Bhatiya, and told the problem, His reply was strange, as he said, “you have checked the lens while buying, now what can I do?” This is a very costly lens, and he was aware about the problem. This business runs on trust, and I was amazed to see his conduct, even with people like us.<br>

    When I contacted Nikon, they said that Prerna is already Blacklisted, and no one should not buy anything from Prerna. Well, this is not an excuse to me, as Nikon has not done anything to inform people that Prerna is blacklisted.<br>

    I request all photographers in and around Bombay to raise their voice against this, and also boycott Prerna. I also request Nikon to consider this case and replace asap. However, I want all my photographer friends to help me in this regard in any way possible.</p>

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