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Posts posted by ricodemps

  1. I am a rookie photographer and not very familiar with the settings on my camera. I do try to change the settings and

    frequently I mess up my picutres and get the settings way out of wack.


    I'm wondering what settings I should huse for going to see the fall colors in Colorado. It is basically shooting pictures

    of trees and landscape items during the day. Any help that can be provided would be appriciated.





  2. <p>I'm still just a rookie to this photography game and have much to learn. I just bought my first DSLR 4 months ago. I found this image while browsing photo galleries on this website. The gallery belonged to Andy Chong. I absolutly love this picture and want to learn how to take a shot like this. The specific action I would like to learn more about is how the whole picture is blurred but the subject is still in focus. What is this technique called and/or can someone please assit with how it is done. Thanks for your help.</p>


  3. <p>My name is Rico and I have no real idea about what it means to be a photographer. I am on a quest to learn as much as I can about photography and being a photographer. I love backpacking, camping and just being outdoors anywhere so I'm pretty sure that is a solid step in my journey to becoming a photographer. I had a Kodak DX6490 which was basically a glorified point and shoot camera (so i'm learning) and people (mostly me) loved the pictures I was taking. I would always get comments like " I love this picture but why do the mountains in the backgroud look fake?" I also found it difficult to shoot pictures with something upclose and still manage to have a background. So I stepped up to a DSLR (Sony a500) and I already love this camera and do not even know how to use it. I'm looking forward to learning about this camera and photography in general. I can't wait to jump in and just check out other peoples pictures and ideas. Thanks to you, for reading this small intro. Drop me a line and say hey.</p>


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