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Image Comments posted by bhargaviimani



    Thanks PDE... 

    As a senior photographer, your rating would also help.... if its not much to ask for :) Thanks for your time

  1. Hi,

    Here's what I love about this shot - the tones, textures & lighting!

    However, had the model appeared in the same pose towards the right side of the picture, where the direction she faces has more area covered might have been more interesting... Also.... because you have converted this into a B&W image,  due to the skin tone, the shades of grey are very close thereby, the focus is getting shifted from the model to all over the frame.. Possibly you could adjust this in post production too.... Just think about it... my 2 cents worth :) Personally, I like vignetting but its every photographer's choice on how they present their final pic! Good luck!!



    A nice low angle shot that highlights her eyes which are very powerful. Seems to me that in your post production work you've tried adjusting levels and the vignetting is drawing attention to her face which makes it artistic too... Good job! Beautiful girl who looks more attractive thanks to the angle and post production!

  2. Love the way it looks like she's glued to the wall when you have just turned it90 degrees.. It caught my attention and looked like a pencil sketch and later realized it was not :) Beautiful high key shot and the framing is very interesting. 

    Dancing Couple


    Thanks Brad for welcoming me.. I am new here and its amazing how much I am learning with each and every snap I am viewing :) Its an amazing learning curve....



    I agree with what was being said about it looking like she's taking a wee :) But.... yes, you're right, that also adds to the excitement when seeing this snap... what could that be? ha ha 

    and I'm not going to attempt shooting myself :) I was talking to this being a normal scene for any lady while showering :)

  3. Dear Photographer,


    For the holy men in our country, the Rudhraksh is a very important tool

    used during meditation... Its considered the tear of Lord Shiva, one of our

    trinity in Hinduism....


    In this picture, a holy man was praying and I captured this when he was

    in deep prayers.... the importance of the Rudraksh was my concept. Do

    you think I could have presented it better? If yes, how? kindly give me

    your inputs

  4. Hi,

    Thanks for taking the time to rework my image. Infact, in reality, that was how intensive the colors were in the original capture. I desaturated them on purpose as what I was trying to show was the play of lines and curves, the lighting effect and the composition of frame within the frame.... :) This is just a beautiful example of how one shot can be perceived so differently by 2 people  :) Thanks for your time

    Not New


    This picture makes me think about the people who are growing old and have a hard time accepting it.... There clearly is a beauty in aging..... I'd call this image, aging gracefully!



    Lovely image David. Love the splash of water on her body, the way the water is pouring down in the V area and the natural pose she is maintaining.... as a woman, this is something I do everyday but this being photographed and presented aesthetically is interesting to the eye... 



    Hi David, 

    Love the way you've composed the shot. The pink almost seems like a ribbon on a present :) Something very gripping about this shot..... Love the way you've used a lot of black and suddenly towards the end the skin and pink pops up! Interesting :)

    Dancing Couple


    Its a beautiful image. Its natural, love the way the light falls on their body and the background being very blur helps the focus being on the people. The comfort of being in the partner's arms is reflected in her eyes and by the way she is holding him. Lovely.... 

  5. Thanks David for your time and comment. I don't think I understand what you mean by keeping the vertical, vertical.... Are you saying that had it been an angle from the side with the lines being straight, would have had a better effect????? 

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