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Posts posted by simply_photography

  1. <p>Alex & Michael,<br>

    You hit the nail on the head with my issue with Canon. Focus. I am finding some of my shots to be "softer" and I know it's not me. It looks like I put a filter over my portraits to soften the edges. The only people who notice are myself and other photographers because it looks like I meant to do it. I'm going to do some more research and try out Nikon on a rental basis ( I don't know anyone that has a Nikon). The D90 was fun, and I figured a good starting point to switch over. </p>

  2. <p>Thanks Shun, I got a good chuckle out of your response. I know the camera won't make me a better photographer. It's just nice to hear other photographers thoughts on different options. I've been really happy with Canon...and everything I own is Canon. As I've increased my knowledge my photography skills improve noticeably. It's not a matter of which camera will make my pictures look better it's a matter of which camera will I feel most comfortable working with next and which direction I want to take based on research before I go an invest a ton of money. I do appreciate everyone's inputs, you've given me quite a bit of food for thought. It's really nice to be able to bounce ideas and thougths off of other photographers with more experience and a much broader knowledge base. </p>
  3. <p>Hey Everyone!<br>

    So, I'm in the market for a new camera. I have been using a Rebel XT and Canon 40D (I just started using the 40D). Was thinking of upgrading to the 50D but then I saw the new Nikons and...I was impressed. I looked at the D90 and the D3000. Big difference between the two price ranges I know. <br>

    However, I wanted to get advice from any current Nikon users that used to use Canon. I shoot Landscapes, Portraits and Weddings. From what I was told at my local camera shop by a 23 year wedding photog veteran is that the newest SLRs are amazingly accurate even in auto. He was surprised I shot in full manual, but then again, I am workign with an XT...lol...<br>

    What do you like about your Nikon, which Nikon do you use? Versus your experience with Canon? I know both are really good, one not really better than the other, but preference/experience wise, what is your opinion? Thanks so much!</p>

  4. <p>Thanks Jeff! I was just looking at the used prices and they are still in the 300's which is more than the transmitter, but I really like that idea. Using a second flash would work. I'm wondering if I can use another brand...I am definetly a canon girl, but for if I am just using the second flash as a master....?? Any thoughts?</p>
  5. <p>I went right to the source and called Canon Technical Support and talked to "Larry" in the flash support center. He said the transmittor will work with my flash and camera to do what I want with lighting! I am so excited because this will enable me to take everything to outdoor shoots as well being it's all wireless. <br>

    Next question. Umbrella and stand. Any suggestions? Thank you soooo much Mark. You have helped tremendously!</p>

  6. <p>Fantastic! You just gave me a fabulous idea. I have a Canon 480 ex II flash. I could buy the canon transmitter and then hook it up to an umbrella and light stand kind of like what you are doing with your Nikon. Would this work with one flash or would I need two 480exII's?</p>
  7. <p>I just found this option from Cowboy Studios. I am now seeing the advantage to flash lighting vs continous and will be going with flash. Thoughts greatly appreciated.</p>


    <li>Two (2) Top Quality Light Stands</li>

    <li>Two (2) 110 Watt Hign Quality MonoLight Strobe Flash</li>

    <li>Two (2) 16" x 24" Softbox with Spring Ring</li>

    <li>Two (2) 12 Foot Sync Cord</li>

    <li>Two (2) 50 Watt Model Lights</li>

    <li>Two (2) 10 Foot Power Cords</li>

    <li>One (1) Complete Background Support Set (includes tripods and cross bar) </li>

    <li>One (1) Carrying Case for Background Support System </li>

    <li>One (1) Black Seamless Muslin Backdrop </li>

    <li>One (1) White Seamless Muslin Backdrop </li>

  8. <p>Ok, let's try me not pointing out what I have found and maybe someone pointing me to what I need.<br>

    200 military couples posing for ball portraits in two's. Backdrop will be an earth brown muslim. The lighting conditions already there are not known. I have no problem with flash, I just thought continous might be easier since I will be working at a very fast pace.</p>

    <p>Budget- small $200-500</p>

  9. <p>Hello everyone. I need an inexpensive portable lighting kit and a backdrop that can break down easily for an on location indoor portrait session. I will need continous lighting, not flash. I am considering one of the following three options and hope someone can give me a pointer on which direction to go!<br>

    <a href="http://studiohut.com/category/46036995181/1/Canvas.htm">http://studiohut.com/category/46036995181/1/Canvas.htm</a></p>

    <p><a href="https://www.ls-photostudio.com/Item.asp?ItemNo=LT84">https://www.ls-photostudio.com/Item.asp?ItemNo=LT84</a></p>

    <p><a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160389489771&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT">http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160389489771&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT</a></p>


  10. <p>I have been hired to photograph an upcoming ball and will be doing portrait photography for couples in attendance. I am wondering what size backdrop I should go with? Either a 10x12 or 10x24? Also, any suggestions on package pricing would be appreciated. I am debating printing on site or mailing out. Anyone have experience either way? Wondering what the best system is if I decide to mail out. Thanks in advance!</p>
  11. <p>Hello everyone! I was recently asked to teach a beginner workshop through some people I know and I am thinking about doing it I would provide a "how to guide" and four hours of my time. However, I was asked by someone who was interested in signing up for the class if I had any "teaching credentials". My question is, does anyone know if you need "teaching credentials" to teach a workshop? The thought would never have crossed my mind since my business is not affiliated with a school or any other such institution. Any thoughts would be appreciated. </p>
  12. <p>Kristin & Faysal,<br>

    Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. You are right, I neglected to say what types of pictures. I do mostly landscapes and portraiture. I'm a pretty serious amateur I guess you could say, every weekend I take off and go find somewhere new to shoot and challenge myself to get better while I am at it. As for portraiture, I do that part time to help pay for my landscape hobby. Mostly outdoor, but I am starting to do some indoor as well. I do use a tripod, and I recently purchased a remote shutter so that should definetly improve things and I won't have to use the self timer button anymore (I can't believe I waited so long to get one!) I also take zillions of impromptu shots of family and friends, but I have a point and shoot for that. <br>

    Mostly, I use my telephoto lens. It is a $200 EF-75-300mm lens by canon. It's not bad...the depth of field is "OK" but it's definetly not great. I want to go the next step up to the EFS canon lens which is triple the price, but I know I will see immediate results. Regardless, I really need a higher megapixel camera...as I like to enlarge to 16x20 and I would love to do some 20x30s but with my current XT is almost completely out of the question. So, thanks to Faysal :-) I am now debating between the 7d and the 50d. I've seen the 7d noted as equal to what they expect the 60d to be. I haven't been able to get my hands on a 7d to try it out though, so I hesitate to order one. There are no camera shops within 60 miles of me believe it or not. Best Buy is about it and they don't carry anything above the 50d. Looks like I'll be taking a road trip to go hunt one down. And then comes the ff vs cropped sensor question, and yes, my brain is now mush from trying to process all of this. I think an image comparison is going to be the best thing for me to concentrate on since I am really unsure. I know this is the camera I will have for the next 3 years so it's important I make the right decision.<br>

    So, a lens upgrade is definetly a must along with new cards. Maybe I will pick out a lens that is compatible with my current XT as well as either the 50d and 7d until I decide which body I would like. When I used the 50d in the store, I was instantly amazed by the difference between it and my XT. It felt different, the controls were better, the picture crisper, etc...there really is no doubt that I need to upgrade. I just need to make up my mind! I attached a picture of what I mean by blurry and uncrisp photos that I sometimes get when shooting.</p>


  13. <p>Thanks Faysal! So ok, maybe my wait time is about 5 seconds. I get this "busy" message and when I finally am able to take another shot, that shot is always blurry. Kind of like the camera wasn't ready. Maybe something is wrong with it, who knows, I've never dropped my camera but it's been everywhere! But speed is definetly an issue and image quality is def an issue with larger prints. I will do some more research and see what else is out there. I guess maybe I should ask...what would be the best camera for me with a budget of 2k. I like canon, and I'd like to stick with it. Should I buy used or new? I read something about the shutter having a lifespan and it only lasts a certain number of clicks (can't remember all the details now). I hesitate to buy used bc you just never know if someone dropped it or what the history of the camera is.<br>

    My other question was...I understand there is a difference between the 50D and full frame canons...but I'm not sure what that means to me. I don't want to regret my camera choice because I won't be buying another till I save some more pennies..lol...so I want to make sure I will be happy with this next one for a few years.</p>

  14. <p>Thanks Linda. Luckily, my real job for the last twelve years was marketing and business. I am finding those skills invaluable now. I am going to keep doing what I am doing. Internet sales is not really the way I want to go. I think I will start with local art shows and co-ops for now and go from there. Overall, I am enjoying what I am doing right now. I want to improve and being able to sell a few prints here and there helps pay for new equipment. I'd like to sell a little more, but I suppose that will come as I get better. I am going to a workshop next month with a well known photographer so maybe I will pick up some new techniques with her. The feedback and tips I have received from other members of this website have helped a lot as well! I am thoroughly enjoying my membership with photo.net.</p>
  15. <p>Thanks for all the responses! Wow you guys are great. I have a few canon lenses, the lenses are not what I'm worried about. It's the camera itself. It's too slow first off. If I have to wait ten seconds between shots I miss shots and I hate that! The controls are ok, but I can't do as much as I would like. Not too concerned about the LCD but having the option would be great. I want bigger prints and I want better prints and I want better performance overall. I did play with the 50D in best buy (not where I'd purchase it from of course) and I liked it, but I am wondering if I am going to see that big of a difference over all.</p>
  16. <p>Thank you everyone for your comments, both the negatives and the positives. In no way did I mean to come off as seeming as though I think I am something spectacular. I am still learning and know I have a ways to go. However, I do love what I do and I would very much enjoy going further. I don't have many of my landscapes up here, maybe I should upload others. I guess I am looking for direction on where to go in the future. <br>

    Also, on another note, I am not looking to be "the next" famous landscape photographer and I've never been that disillusioned...lol. I guess I should not have used the term "gallery" because it seems everyone interpretted my post to mean something different than I did. I have sold quite a bit of my work in various private sales, but never attempted to go any further before. I want to take my photography to a new level and I continuously strive to improve. <br>

    Yes there are hundreds of thousands of other people out there that do the same thing and are better at it. However, just because I am not the best doesn't mean I shouldn't try to be better, right? And just because I am not on the same level as pros doesn't mean I should quit either. Pros were beginners once too, right?<br>

    Hugo...I have two flickr accounts as well.</p>


  17. <p>Hi everyone!<br>

    I currently own a Canon Rebel XT....about 4 years old. I am thinking of upgrading to the 50d. I am happy with image quality from my XT but I was wondering what your thoughts were for those of you that know anything about the 50D. Is it worth upgrading?</p>


  18. <p>Hi everyone :-) There really wasn't a category for my question, but it has to do with nature/landscape photography so I figured this was the best spot! I travel regularly and photography has been my passion for the last 6 years. I recently started doing portraits, but I find that a little less enjoyable than nature/landscape photography. <br>

    My question is...now that I have this portfolio of work from all over the country (to include Alaska and Canada) I am attempting to see if I can get into a gallery. The problem is, how does an obscure photographer from nowhere New York even get looked at? I've had a few nautical shops around the state willing to take my work on consignment, but I seem to be stuck there. The galleries that I have looked at, which have been plenty, deal in well known photographers work only. <br>

    I am a long way from being a professional photographer...however, photography for me is an art and a passion and I would love to be able to go further in the future.<br>

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.<br>



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