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Image Comments posted by dannytoh

  1. Totally agree that a wide angle lens might be useful, but I was working with what I have which is  just a Nikon AF35-70D 2.8. I do wonder how it would be like with the 14-24...but it was within a crowded space and a wide angle might also bring in unwanted clutter and a a more exaggerated perspective. I do like the compressed perspective in the way with this lens at 35mm.



    This image needs a tighter crop to remove the platform from view, the background is also quite cluttered, do move around and size up the background when you shoot, otherwise no matter how dramatic the action maybe, its not going to work well, and looking at the direction of the light, the other side of the lake might have been a better angle and the fact that most people are right-handed, the other side would also be the more likely orientation of the athlete facing.

  2. I was chased away from the frontal position as it was not a designated

    position for non-Pool Vested Photographers....eventhough I was not in the

    way of anyone nor were there a crowd of photographers there, so I ended

    up on the spectator stand with a cluttered background, So I decided to try

    a different approach and to make the best of the situation to motion

    blurred off the background at 70mm focal length....as it turned out, this

    was one of my favorite of the entire Youth Olympic Games.



    I was lying prone on the ground for more than 30 minutes for this one, as

    the athlete made one final attempt to scale the height for the Gold medal

    at the Asian Jr Games......the rest of the fields has cleared and this was

    an event running late, the last bus to the hotel has left, but it was worth

    the compromise of all that....this is one of my favorite capturing the

    moment shot.

    Yahuza 4 INA


    The long s=distance walk is one of my favorite events in Athletics,

    especially in hot humid locations, the glistening sweat that drips as the

    athletes push the pain barrier, and the fluid motion as they hydrate in the

    humid condition.....



    The light was great, saw that as I rushed for my camera. Pity it lasted a

    mere 15 minutes as the Spanish Team wound down their training session

    with the sun dropping behind the building surrounding the pool.



    Captured this in Hanoi, Vietnam at the Asian Jr Championship 2010, the

    temperature was near 40degree, the Walkers hydrate themselves as they

    endure the heat in the grueling race.

    gorge 3


    The fabulous tiger leaping gorge in Lijiang.....its was a lomg way down at the tiger

    gorge with swirling white water....as we get blown at by the guards who patrols the

    length of the gorge if we were to get too near the edge which is marked by just a chain,

    this was taken handheld....but the water was just nicely blurred.



    Was amazed that this clumsy creature on land is so agile in the water....mesmerized I

    took about a hundred shots of them shooting through the water like torpedoes.



    Thanks, the colours appear a bit dark on my post compared to the original, perhaps its the file format....getting familiar with the community before committing to the subscription, but I am awed by the many wonderful works on the site by members.

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