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Posts posted by petertheis

  1. <p>I recently bought a used T90 on eBay which was supposedly "working" only to discover I cound not get it to work at all. I heard no whirring noises, the shutter did nothing at all.<br>

    I would get "bc" with no bars upon mounting any of my FD lenses. Pressing the bc button would make it go away, however as soon as I moved the lens into Auto mode "A" on the dial, then I would get a flashing "bc" on the screen with nothing else. No amount of button presses or resetting would clear this, except removing the batteries. <br>

    If I left the lens off and put batteries in everything seemed to work fine, except if I pushed the BC battery check button i would see bc in the display but no bars, even with known fresh batteries.<br>

    I could get an EEE error if i mounted a lens with A and DEP already set.<br>

    OK, it works now!<br>

    Here's what I did, no matter how silly this seems:<br>

    I smacked it on my floor (carpet over hard wood). Yeah. Took about 10 smacks on the base and stopping to test once or twice. And now it works. Perfectly. No errors, BC bars show up, shutter works etc.<br>

    Somehow the shutter must have gotten stuck in shipping? In any event I'm glad it works now and cant wait to run some film through it.<br>

    Thanks to all who went before for this tip ; without the above comments I doubt I would have ever thought to bash this pristine looking T90 on my floor a bunch of times.</p>

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