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Posts posted by brittany_mccoy

  1. <p>My equipment: D5000, standard 18-55mm lens, Nikon 50mm f/1.4G AF-S Nikkor Lens. I am looking for a macro and telephoto lens to add to my collection, what do you recommend (I am trying to stick to Nikon brands as I was suggested to on this board when I first bought my DSLR).<br>

    Macro: I would like something I can use on people (newborn toes, eyes, etc) and also for close-up on flowers or plants.<br>

    Telephoto: I would like something I can use for semi-long ranges (maybe a bird flying or someone playing football and me onthe sidelines). Something that would work with photograhing people when necessary.<br>

    Ok recommendations start... & thanks in advance!</p>

  2. <p>Thanks Kris! I called B & H to get some advise from them and the guy was a jerk but besides that he recommended: <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/654656-REG/Vivitar_VIV_RC_200_D90_VIV_RC_200_D90_Wireless_Remote_Shutter.html">http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/654656-REG/Vivitar_VIV_RC_200_D90_VIV_RC_200_D90_Wireless_Remote_Shutter.html</a><br>

    I am leaning towards the wireless that way I have a bigger range and dont have to worry about hiding the wires lol. i thought $37 was kind of high compared to other prices...but maybe thats the nature of the beast and you get what you pay right?</p>

  3. <p>Hello -ok so I am looking to get a remote trigger for my D5000. I would like to do family pictures that I can be in too...so in order to make this happen I need a remote trigger. Any recommendations on one? I know they seem cheap compared to most equipment but I am looking for something easy to use and not alot of wires everywhere if that is common.Thanks in advance :)</p>
  4. <p>Thansk everyone...I am starting to get the idea o the paper lol. Seems affordable, how about the quality as far as it being seamless? jay- I appreciate your advice :) I think I might stray from having to steam my muslins...honestly its more of a pain then I want to worry or focus on. what about vinyl....should this be a option I look at? Thoughts?<br>

    D.B. Iam checking Cowboy Studio now as we speak :) thanks!</p>

  5. <p>Thanks for the advice. If I went the paper route I would assume I could "hang" it over the backdrop stand like I do with my muslins...correct? I've seen vinyl, paper, and all sorts of types I guess my biggest concern is affordablity and quality. I want something that will look smooth all around . sounds like with the paper you just roll it back up and boom its stored away...does it really work like that? I would like black and white...and possibly a damask one as well. Does anyone know if you can get a damask pattern that is seamless or paper?</p>
  6. <p>Hello! Ok so here is my dilemma/question... I decided I wanted to experiment with a in-house studio per say...mustly I wanted a backdrop to try certain pictures with such as formal Maternity, Children, etc. I purchase the beginner backdrop package from Aura Backdrops <a href="http://www.aurabackdrops.com/beginner-pack-p-353.html">http://www.aurabackdrops.com/beginner-pack-p-353.html</a> now mind you I dont need anything to ritzy.Well after fiddling with the Black and White muslins that came with my stand I have found I hate the cloth backdrops that I received they are huge which I like but how on earth can I keep the wrinkles out. So I have decided to look into seemless backdrops or clothes whichever you prefer to call them. My question is where are so legit seemless backdrops for reasonable prices? Do they really work as far as being seemless, would you ever have to iron, etc. I peeped out the Picture People ( a professional photography studio in my local mall) and show a beautiful damask backdrop completely seemless and smooth all over...that what I want... now where to find it :/<br>


    help...please :)</p>

  7. <p>Thanks for the advise :)<br>

    ...now with the wireless trigger how exactly does this work? If I use the B-800 flash unit from Alienbee will the trigger and my d5000 all work together so when I snap that one shot it all flashes in sync with my camera? No extra buttons i need to push at the same time....right?</p>

  8. <p>Ok so I am having a major (in my book major) issue with PS Elements when I am trying to edit. I have some maternity pictures I took in RAW mode and when I try to open them up in PS Elements 8.0 in the first preview screen the picture looks great (this is the screen where it lets you adjust exposure and clarity- etc) then once I click Open Image and it opens it in PSE the picture get pixely...I shot this with my d5000, RAW mode, and file size-Large.<br>

    Let me see if I can correctly upload some pics of what I am experiencing!<br>

    Pic is good- notice the smooth line on her belly:<br>

    <img src="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b345/sweethaley18/Preview.jpg" alt="" width="692" height="388" /></p>

    <p>Now look at her belly and her hand...no more smooth lines<br>

    <img src="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b345/sweethaley18/Problem.jpg" alt="" width="687" height="442" /></p>

    <p>What am I doing wrong? ...and how can I fix this?</p>

  9. <p>Thanks for all the responses...this has def given me some food for thought.<br>

    I am thinking about trying one light with a softbox and maybe the trigger as some of you have mentioned. I have a Nikon d5000 so I think that will work, but non the less can ask the vendor.<br>

    Btw...I'm a girl, just thought I'd add that in since I've gotten the "him" alot lol.</p>

  10. <p>Would something like one of these work...http://www.alienbees.com/flash.html<br>

    and it is possible to have it flash when I take a picture at the same time? like I said I am very new to this!<br>

    Also in addition to one of the flash units above I could get a softbox to go with... would a softbox and a flash unit be a good combo?<a href="http://www.alienbees.com/foldable_detail.html">http://www.alienbees.com/foldable_detail.html</a></p>

  11. <p>Hello! I am looking to purchase some lighting equipment for doing some backdrop photography. I mostly want to do maternity and portraits. I have the beginner pack backdrop package (<a href="http://www.aurabackdrops.com/beginner-pack-p-353.html">http://www.aurabackdrops.com/beginner-pack-p-353.html</a>) from Aura Backdrops and I am trying to find the right lighting equipment since I have none as of now. I would like something that is self standing as I dont really want to do anything I have to hanging on the ceiling/walls etc. I would like to stay under $400. I am new to the whole lighting idea so I really dont know if I need a softbox, umbrella etc. so suggestions would be great, and if you have a link to a specific package/product that would be great too so can check it out :)</p>

    <p>...thanks in advance, and if I left anything out let me know.</p>

  12. <p>Thanks!<br>

    Ok I looked at a few light kits, for my in-home studio & backdrop portraits...what do you think of these, which is the best and is this the way I should go?<br>

    1) <a href="http://www.calumetphoto.com/item/HL5030/">http://www.calumetphoto.com/item/HL5030/</a><br>

    2) <a href="http://www.calumetphoto.com/item/SV3515/">http://www.calumetphoto.com/item/SV3515/</a><br>

    3)  <a href="http://www.calumetphoto.com/item/SV3562/">http://www.calumetphoto.com/item/SV3562/</a></p>

  13. <p>Ok sorry if I wasnt to descriptive... as far as dpi I have no clue what it is set at or how to figure it out....like i said I am someone new at this. Basically I keep the settings on my camera pretty basic I may adjust ISO or the type but as far as DPI...no clue. I snap the picture, upload it to my laptop and open it up in photoshop elements 8, I may adjust the contrast/brightness/light, then save the image as a JPG file and ta-da them I'd done. ...if there is some setting I need to check just tell me how and I will tell you the setting if that will help.</p>

    <p>Btw I had the image size setting on M...I just changed it to L for future use.</p>

  14. <p>OK so here is my dilemma... I am trying to print some of the pictures I have taken with my d5000 (12.3 mega pixel) camera and it seems whenever I try to get a print the is bigger then 5 x 7 I always get warnign errors on the print vendor websites... why is this? Judging by the Low-resolution warning ....the resolution numbers are too small. Now I dont understand how to change these things or what to do to prevent this. I am concerned because I dont want to take pictures of clients and then they try to go print a 8 x 10 at target and find out it won't do it... help me photo.net family!<br>

    Here is a example of what it says & the pics below are ones I took off my camera & tried printing and got the warning msg below:</p>

    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">



    <td height="40" valign="middle" bgcolor="#eff4fa"><br /></td>



    <td valign="top">

    <p>If you change the quantity or add new print sizes, click <strong>Update Total</strong>.<br /><br /><img src="http://static.photos.walmart.com/ MD5=e66627d0c7c8fedb05e24b5bae91db9b/default/images/walmart/walmart_us/grey-icon-triangle.gif" border="0" alt="" width="9" height="9" /> <strong>Low Resolution Warning:</strong> We recommend uploa ding higher resolution images for better cl arity on indicated sizes. <a>Learn more about our editing tools.</a></p>





    <p><a href="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b345/sweethaley18/34147_139696706049232_130389660313270_318011_5676014_n.jpg">http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b345/sweethaley18/34147_139696706049232_130389660313270_318011_5676014_n.jpg</a><br /><a href="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b345/sweethaley18/28649_425925489812_511744812_5585046_7195392_n.jpg">http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b345/sweethaley18/28649_425925489812_511744812_5585046_7195392_n.jpg</a><br /><a href="http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b345/sweethaley18/34985_137667662918803_1303896603132.jpg">http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b345/sweethaley18/34985_137667662918803_1303896603132.jpg</a></p>

  15. <p>Thanks Matt! Well maybe my budget is too low...like I said this is a shot in the dark as I have no idea where to really start when it comes to lighting. I dont know if buying lighting equipment is ideal or ifd buying a better flash.. SB-600/900 is the way to go?</p>

    <p>Here are some pictures of the lighting I like and would love to mock...not sure where to begin though.<br>

    <img id="cmuMainImage" src="http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/ciu/48/c6/570d81b0c8a0435ab7e3e110.L.jpg" border="0" alt="" width="332" height="500" /><br>

    <img id="cmuMainImage" src="http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/ciu/3a/ff/dd7fa2c008a0d61c9eaaa010.L.jpg" border="0" alt="" width="500" height="350" /><br>

    <a href="http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.garlandphotography.com.au/baby-photography,baby-photographer-sydney,baby-portraits,newborn-photography,pregnancy-photography/maternity-photography-sydney-enter.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.garlandphotography.com.au/maternity-photography.html&usg=__3gglrOoCOj8RSZNe6dNbjEXOLVk=&h=392&w=549&sz=45&hl=en&start=76&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=n5fyKnh6r8W7AM:&tbnh=95&tbnw=133&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmaternity%2Bphotography%26start%3D60%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7GZAZ_en%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1"><img src="" alt="" width="350" height="173" /></a></p>

    <p> </p>

  16. <p>Hello! I have recently purchased a Aura backdrop along with a black and white and patterned Muslin. After taking

    my first shots with the backdrop this weekend I realized I need some in-studio lighting because relying on natural

    lighting just will not do the treat. I guess what I need is light boxs and umbrella's? Not to sure about where to start or

    what/where to buy. I will mostly do portrait pictures with the backdrop...maternity, individual, children, newborn, and

    maybe some boudoir... any suggestions on lighting equipment to buy? I'd prefer something that I dont have to mount

    on the walls, something self standing. As for a budget I have no idea I'd love to stay under $250 but I dont know what

    realisticly these things cost... ok photo.net family help me out here :)</p>

  17. <p>Great advice everyone!</p>

    <p>& Left thank you for breakign the auto-focus down for me my brand. I am learning so much from you all! I am have decided on two and need to pick one from there...<br>

    Nikon 50mm f/1.8 AF or Sigma 50mm f/1.4 EX DG HSM (&& will the Nikon AF on my d5000? from Left's response above looks like the Sigme will but not sure on the Nikon). </p>

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