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Posts posted by eva_laxer

  1. <p>If you just want to learn software, you may try Lynda.com. Just Google for a 7 day free trial for lynda.com, and see if you like what they have. I tried to teach myself Photoshop from books but it was too frustrating to understand, but i like that I can replay the video over and over, stop it anytime while I'm following the instructions. I wish I could ask questions, but for the price you can't beat it. I would recommend to shoot both Raw, and Jpeg that way you have a choice to decide later. Some people mentioned Kelbytrainig.com I have not tried that site, I understand they cover the photography part also, not just learning software.</p>
  2. <p>Hi,<br>

    I'm confused regarding small or large censor, and each needs different kind of lens systems?<br>

    My question is what kind of lenses work with the above body?<br>

    I'm contemplating to purchase the Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Standard AutoFocus Lens as a starter lens. <br>

    My next purchase would be a zoom lens, and a wide angle lens. <br>

    I would appreciate any help and advice. I'm very proficient in the slr film camera, but other than a point and shoot digital camera, this is will be my first serious digital equipment.<br>

    Thank you<br>


    <p> </p>

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