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Image Comments posted by shotbyjamie

    Antelope Canyon

    Don't worry about the highlights and shadows. This is the most original slot canyon shot I have ever seen. I love the range of light and tones you've captured here. Very well done.

    Gianluigi Buffon

    Either the ball needs to be lower, or we need more room at the top. I also have this urge to change the angle a bit so we're not so far behind the net. I'd like to see it more from the side. You really cuaght the moment. I just wish the ball hadn't got cut off.
  1. In response to a previous critique, I happen to enjoy the softer colors. Some may say flat, I say natural. I think the framing and compostion is text book on this shot. The DOF may be a bit too shallow, but I immediately recognized the flamingos in the background.


    My main point of contention is the bokeh of the lens. I know this can't necessarily be controlled to easily by the photographer, but the way the flamingos are rendered is bothersome to me. It looks like some of them are doubled from motion blur even though there was no camera shake.

  2. I saw your post on the yahoo group. I really like what you were going after here. I would have really liked to see a tighter crop. I would take a chunk off the bottom and right. Also, while I fully understand the tricks of such a narrow DOF, I should point out though that I'd like to see the eyes crisper. I do love the candid quality a lot though.
  3. I absolutely love this image. What makes it great is the statement that was captured in the subject. This guy works in a foundry. He has better things to do that have his picture taken by some annoying photgrapher. The glasses are a MUST. They fully enhance the cold, uncaring vibe of the workers espression. Some people might say you need to capture the work to tell the story of this guy. Here, the guy says it for you. "I'm busy and don't have time for a stupid picture." Regardless of what this guy does there, it fully communicates the down-to-earth, get-the-job-done work ethic of an industrial workplace.


    Oh yeah, the lighting and layout are excellent too. Excellent eye.



    I agree with the previous posters that this a very evocative image. An excellent eye.

    I'm curious about the colored checker pattern across the image. Despite the quality of the scene, this problem is very distracting. It appears to correspond with the pixel pattern on a ccd sensor.

    Gomero #5

    Yeah, nice composition, but the blown out highlights are a bit distracting. The highlights on the roots in particular. Also, I think the people take away from the very majestic tree.



    I do wish the bridge booth was a little more lit. As far as the composition goes. I might go back and take another look. To get the subjects in the frame I had to use my 20/2.8 (if I remember right) from where I was standing. I either shot it from the very edge of the curb or the median in the street. There is a lot of visual clutter in that spot-signs, lights, etc, so I couldn't move around to much. I had few option as to where I could place my tripod.


    Thanks for the comment!

  4. Actually the line we are talking about is what is known as a corpuscular ray. (A little bit of interesting info from my USMC weather observer brother.)

    The rays of light that often poke through clouds are called corpuscular rays.


    Wickedly spooky shot by the way!

  5. I don't think this nesassarily takes away from the image, but there seems to be a diagonal line starting just right of the top left corner going down to the right. Is this an artifact caused by the ND filters?


    Regardless of this, it is still an awesome image.

  6. How did you get that black background? I have a whole folder on that exhibit. I've been there a couple of times and can't figure out how you got that black background. There is always so much background foliage in the glass houses. I'm curious to know where at the exhibit you shot this.

    Guessing from the rest of your work, I'm gonna make a wild guess that you live in Streeterville somewhere. I'm up in Old Town.

    I do love that Radio Flyer at the Pier.

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