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Posts posted by emmett_mclaughlin

  1. <p>Thanks for the suggestions and sympathies! :o)<br>

    It's now in several parts in a drawer and completely dried out, the main front eye glass element has water spots internally.<br>

    I have decided to take a gamble on buying a damaged lens and making either a heroic attempt to repair it or possibly a silly botched attempt. Either way I need to clear my mind of atleast trying. <br>

    In the meantime will buy another too (the faulty ones don't appear often), and I need a replacement fast. Shooting a wedding in Liverpool the other day was a stark reminder. I guess my wee 50mm f/1.4 USM saved me there (see pic).<br>

    Well, chin up I guess karma will reward me with a Leica M9 someday (or i'll wake up with egg on my face).<br>

    I've also learned H Lehmann are unreliable and vague at best, theres a great community here (i'll be here more often), Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L's can be showered, and theres a lot of people willing to take a risk for a great shot.<br>

    I'm already planning a press shoot with a DJ that involves an underwater studio, and a wedding shoot in a lake.<br>

    Thanks again,<br>


    <img src="http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4042/4650366526_80b4468516_o.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="918" /></p>

    <p>Liverpool Photographer | http://www.robertemmett.co.uk</p>

  2. <p>I wasn't white water rafting, fishing or diving. I was taking photos next to a small stream barely 1ft deep, I will continue to take photos near small streams or large ones in future, albeit more careful. I never let the environment dictate when and where I can photograph, I'll keep finding solutions to shoot from atypical vantage points.<br>

    An image from that day...<br>

    <img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3323/4623552147_ab4b32c979.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="333" /><br>

    Stream is on her right. </p>

    <p>I stripped it down, and already much of the moisture is escaping it.<br>

    I've decided to buy a damaged one on eBay, and use the large optics chamber and any electronics as a means of repair.<br>

    Just find it incredible that a reputable repair centre sent it back still wet, drying it out and giving me a explanation of what's <br>

    at fault woud've been a lot more professional.</p>

    <p>Avoid H Lehmanns, be more careful around streams!<br>

    Take it on the chin, and hope it can be resolved with care and patience.</p>


  3. <p><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1392/4611902421_acd0e0a2de_o.jpg" alt="" width="510" height="800" /></p>

    <p>Sent it to H Lehmanns in Stoke, they sent it back in the exact same condition unopened, still wet as the above pic with the response "Uneconomical to repair". However it seems they have not even dried it out to see if this was the case, don't get me wrong not assuming I know better, but I do know that before testing can start they atleast need to dry it out?<br>




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