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Posts posted by will_chamberlin

  1. Thanks for the info! I do around 4/5 weddings a year and usually rent kit. I'd love to be able to save costs by having one

    setup and rent an extra body so not looking for 2 at this time.


    I need the flexibility from DSLR rather than a dedicated video camera. Majority of stuff I do is DSLR work so this fits best

    for me. I've come from 550D and 5d mk1 with 19-35, 50mm and 135mm primes, so nothing solid. All the work I've done is

    rented kit 5d mk2/3 and L series lenses. Struggled with the low ISO performance of 5D and cheap quality of 550D for

    personal use/low budget video work. Lenses were cheap and not ideal for video work.


    Do you have any knowledge of other camera systems? How do nikon/Panasonic equivalents size up? I'm probably in the

    wrong forum for that?


    Thanks for your help!

  2. Hi all,


    In a bizarre turn of events I have £2500 to upgrade my camera set up. (I destroyed my whole camera kit in an accident).


    So, I'm looking for a new body and 1-2 lenses, I'm going for quality here not quantity as I've struggled with old kit for years! I work as a

    freelance videographer and photographer mainly focusing on corporate video and the odd wedding.


    I've worked with Canon since starting but am keen to assess the field if you have any recommendations. Happy to consider a used

    body/lenses. A good kit lens and a prime (30/50/85) if possible.


    So what's the advice? Looks like I could pick up the 5D II/III or 1D IV used, what about Nikon or Panasonic? Very strange to have a free go at a new system so Id like to make the best and most informed decision.



  3. <p>I too am having the same problem as a couple of posts have mentioned.<br>

    I took apart the lens as instructed and tightened the screws, then reassembled and now the AF won't work at all! It makes a high pitched squeal and just jumps around the entire focal range.<br>

    I took it into a respected camera store in Brixham and the Nikon technician suspected an alignment issue, he said it would cost at least £150 to send off to be fixed, more than i paid for the lens so i figured i'd try and ask around here for a DIY fix?<br>

    Here's a video of my lens playing up : <a href="

    ANY ideas?!</p>

  4. <p> </p>

    <p >Hello all, <br />My well loved 18-70 has broken. I recently opened it up to tighten the 3 screws known to solve the zoom sticking issues, and put it back together exactly as found. (seen here: <a rel="nofollow" href="../nikon-camera-forum/00Pegi">http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00Pegi</a>)</p>

    <p >I mounted it back on my D200 and immediately when <a href="../nikon-camera-forum/00WUpm" target="_blank">focus</a> it began skipping to focal distances and was making a loud squeaking sound. I opened it up again to see if I had left anything blindingly obvious undone but all was normal - i even un tightened the 3 screws i had just tightened to see if that was the problem.</p>

    <p >I've posted a video showing the problem here: <a rel="nofollow" href="


    <p >Any ideas on what's happened? I would really appreciate your help on this one!</p>


  5. <p>Hello all, <br>

    My well loved 18-70 has broken. I recently opened it up to tighten the 3 screws known to solve the zoom sticking issues, and put it back together exactly as found. (seen here: <a href="http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00Pegi">http://www.photo.net/nikon-camera-forum/00Pegi</a>)</p>

    <p>I mounted it back on my D200 and immediately when focus it began skipping to focal distances and was making a loud squeaking sound. I opened it up again to see if I had left anything blindingly obvious undone but all was normal - i even un tightened the 3 screws i had just tightened to see if that was the problem. </p>

    <p>I've posted a video showing the problem here: <a href="

    <p>Any ideas on what's happened? I would really appreciate your help on this one!</p>

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