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Image Comments posted by rienk_jiskoot

  1. hello Tony, happy to see you made it a third time to the POW hall of honour. What interests me is why there's such a big difference between your later work and the "HCB"-inspired portfolio. It has nothing to do with quality, it's not a critic, just wondering. Did you get bored by trying to reach/copy (meant as a compliment, really...) the HCB-level of street photography by growing up and getting your own style/colour inserted in your work? Or did you turn away slowly from the b/w HCB-style? Just wondering, please don't shoot me!

    Cheers, and again, congratulations.


    Omdat je mij gisteren een zeven hebt gegeven voor een van mijn fotootjes, mag ik jou de komende twee weken geen zevens geven, zegt photonet, dus krijg je slechts twee zessen. Eigen schuld, had je me maar geen zevens moeten geven! Groeten, Rienk



    hello Ernst, Nice composition, although the pic is slightly tilted in my opinion. Happens to me all the time. I also think that you saturated the pic just a little bit too much, the greens and blues give nice accents, but the accents are too strong. Just my humble opinion. But I like the picture, and I like Catania, although that shouldn't influence my opinion about the photo, but it does anyway! Bye, Rienk

  2. I think it's a composite, just like last week's POW, and the bottle's put in to give it a modern touch...The picture of the bottle was made in 1997 in Oberstammheim, Switzerland, with a cheap point and shoot camera, I saw the damn thing down there myself, the rest of it was taken in 1883. Nice picture though! Congrats!

    Living Desert

    Please bros and sisters, I'm kinda dumb I guess, but I haven't the slightest idea what vignetting is, and as long as I don't know that, I can't comment on this woman. Thanks for the update, never too old to learn!

    Flat fences.


    Just because Ansel Adams wrote A bible about A ten zone system doesn't mean there aren't other bibles with lesser zones than ten.

    He's just A (too high rated) voice among many different voices. There's millions of brilliant b/w pictures with lesser zones than ten.

    Nice picture, Miguel, as all your other fences pictures. Are these near Lissabon as well? Cheers, Rienki

  3. Well, after reading the whole discussion I have only one question left that's bothering me: You might be a teapot Tony, who am I to decide, but I was just wondering the whole time if you might be a leftist and communist as well. O dear, o dear, even photo.net is infiltrated...Just worrying like crazy... Happy new year just the same, even leftist communist godhaters deserve a better year then the one we just had, thanks to some of the people mentioned in this discussion.


  4. "But giving the impression that sharpness is unimportant is just plain wrong, and that needed to be said."

    I didn't say that, Marc. I just said that I know that loads of on purpose AND not on porpose shot unsharp pictures get sold here in Zurich every day, and not to the smallest money spenders in the Swiss finance market. Out of thirty pics I chose to put in our archives, one is unsharp, and I don't [care] if the photographer made his pic unsharp on purpose (like, I agree, most Photonica potogs do) or not, because the important thing is I know the unsharp pic is usefull to advertisers who don't need recognizable people or company logos on the pic. That's why I pick them and why they sell. My statistics "picked out by Rienk/sold to big money" in the company are pretty good!Cheers, and, as you said already, the photographer of the man with horse and unknown object in hand said his pic was sharp, so we both probably would have taken it to stock up our agency! :-) Happy new year everybody by the way.

  5. "Ever visited a photo editor for a magazine or a stock agency? First thing they do is throw the chromes on the light table, pull out the $300 loupe and non-chalantly toss aside ANYTHING that is not crisp, tack-on sharp."

    I'm working in the biggest stock agency in Switzerland as a photo editor and photographer, also having sole representation rights to Corbis pictures in this "wee small but very rich and therefore very generously spending big money on big pics"-country. We take unsharp picture every day, and they sell like crazy for all kinds of boring bank and insurance advertisements and such (we're big in that department here in swiss rich bastards country, downtown Zürich, as some might know).

    Sharpness is important when a portrait of a known bank director is offered, but not in loads of other pics. People who tell you different things just don't know about stock photography.There's a japanese stock agency that makes millions a day with almost only unsharp pictures, called Photonica. Their catalog is the biggest runner in the European (at least the Swiss part of it) business.It's very hip to make Photonica picture supported ads. People in the ad bizz then say: "Très chique, très Photonica". Just a small correction on this statement about unsharp pics in stock agencies.

    It's true that most AMERICAN stock agencies and magazine pic editors throw away all the unsharp pics. Corbis hasn't that much, but that's also the reason that almost all American magazines look the same with boring "crisp, tack-on sharp" pictures...Just another opinion.

    Bye y'all, have a nice day.

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