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Posts posted by shoulder

  1. <p>May I humbly pose the question: in my work as a surgeon I am trying to capture high quality pictures of operations we perform,and I have been advised to change to medium format rather than the digital camera I am using (Canon E0S 30D) . Does anybody have experience in this field of photography to advise me?</p>
  2. <p>I am an orthopedic surgeon involved in teaching - I often want to take photographs of the surgical procedures we are performing. I need close up pictures but cannot bring the camera too close to the wound due to sterility issues (min distance about 30 cm). Other specifics are: <br>

    - tripod is never possible as one has to lean over the wound and still not touch anything<br>

    - there is an operating theatre light illuminating the wound which tends to flatten the picture ( i have tried to focus with the light on and then ask one of the nurses to switch off the light, then take the picture) - any suggestions?<br>

    - the colour of the human tissues is mostly red so that the contrast is often unsatisfactory giving one an impression of a "red blur"<br>

    - time is limited, are there default settings one could save on the camera?<br>

    What I need is advice on the best lens to use and the best suggested settings on my camera (Canon EOS 30D)</p>

  3. <p>Sarah in response to your two questions:<br>

    1. You are correct, the existence of poverty in America is largely unknown in Africa, the majority of citizens here (even the affluent ) are often unaware that there are any other than wealthy Americans. To "expose" the diversity of your country will certainly aid your cause.<br>

    2. As an experienced website administrator you will realize that the access to the internet in Africa and many other underdeveloped parts of the world is very low (vast numbers are still struggling for access to clean water). In America and Europe Internet access is more than 70% where in Africa the average is 6,5% and in some areas like Afghanistan less than 2%. Does that not imply that your message cannot reach those who need to see it?</p>

  4. <p>May I enter this discussion as a non- American? I am a surgeon as you can see <a href="http://www.shoulderinstitute.co.za">here</a>, <a href="http://www.shoulderinstitute.co.za"></a> living in South Africa and I deal with Americans regularly, attend American congresses and publish articles in American journals.<br>

    I agree that here in the Southern tip of Africa we also witness some degree of anti-American sentiment and most of the reasons have been well expounded by others in this string.<br>

    Due to my contacts with the American specialists and scientists I have become an admirer because of their zeal, work ethic and ingenuity when it comes to developing new technical inventions.<br>

    One aspect of the sentiment towards America is based on the age-old feeling by cultures with a lower level of productivity and work ethic towards the more successful groups, even if the latter achieve it with hard work. This part of the anti-Americanism will not be changed by the project.<br>

    Having said that I want to commend Sarah for the idea of this project and it can only have positive effects both for the observers of the photographers as well as the photographers.</p>

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