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Posts posted by steve_c12

  1. <p>Hey <br>

    I have the Lee Circular Polariser which I use quite a bit. <br>

    Unfortunately I dropped it in some sand/seawater as I was removing it from the front of the holder. There doesn't seem to be any scratches thankfully but water did get in between the two revolving glass plates which has since dried and has left some water stains on the insides. <br>

    Does anyone know if its possible to take this apart and if so how? <br>

    I know I could probably send it to a repair shop but if its not too difficult I'd give it a go myself. <br>

    Thanks in advance <br>

    Steve </p>

  2. <p>Michael: that's exactly the type of thing I was looking for and my intention. <br>

    Q.G: I never noticed that before.<br>

    Mark: I was actually gonna ask that as a secondary question so you've pre-empted me. When you say a dslr have the tendency to be faster that means it's going to undexpose doesn't it? Could you explain what you mean when you say 'Also, importantly, with a dial or a digital read out meter you will be able to clearly read off an adjusted factor for the filter in use and make the right exposure...' I've never used a light meter so not sure if that means you would have to factor in the stops manually or not...<br>

    Thanks for the help. </p>

  3. <p>Currently I use a 500c and generally when I expose a shot I use my nikon dslr to take a reading. So far the results have been accurate apart from some underexposure with Velvia 50. <br>

    However things are getting complicated now that I am using filters. I use the less system and have red 23a filter a linear polariser and hard 0.6 neutral grad however with a linear polariser on a digital camera i'm not going to get an accurate enough reading since they are meant to be used with old manual cameras. Is there any where where I can find out how to get accurate stop values for the filters so I know how much to stop down the lens? I've done some research the past few days on google but haven't had much luck. <br>

    Thanks </p>


  4. <p>That ideal case scenario would have been perfect. As it is, I've decided to put the screwdriver away and researched a place where I can get it fixed. I don't want to cause any more problems even though I am very remote and the timing couldn't have been worse<br>

    Thankyou for your posts </p>

  5. <p>Last night I went to take a photo with my 500c and the shutter release button wouldn't work, even when I took the film back off. I played around with it for awhile and when I pressed the pre release button upwards causing the auxilary shutter to open. However now I cannot get this to close. Everything I have tried doesn't work and the camera seems jammed. <br>

    Is there some basic thing that I am not thinking about here or is it something a bit more serious? </p>

    <p> </p>

  6. <p>Thanks Matthew. Good to hear some encouraging advice on it. Most things I have read support the FLE lens and even though that would have advantages, I'd be happy with the CF.</p>

    <p>Sally: Is it me or does the CF 50mm not appear under that link. It seem greyed out, like it used to be there but no longer?</p>

  7. <p>Hi<br>

    I've been searching on line for a few hours now and can't seem to find any product information on a lens I am thinking of buying hence another newbie question... <br>

    I want to get a Distagon 50mm CF lens. I know about the other lenses with the floating elements but don't have that kind of money however I'm really finding it difficult to find any reviews or manuals on this lens, probably because it is old. I have found CFE and CFI manuals on the hasselblad website but nothing on the former lenses. <br>

    I've seen a picture of the lens I am after and have noticed, what I can best describe as an alan key socket next to the highest aperture number and on the left there is a black plastic thing and was wondering what this does. I use the 80mm standard and haven't seen this which is why I am curious before I buy. <br>

    Any pointer or links would be great</p>

  8. <p>Been away for a few days so that's why I haven't replied.<br>

    Great advice on this thread. You guys have made me think about things I wouldn't have even considered before, esp like the zip lock bags, and the reflector cloth. <br>

    Not long till I go now so thanks.</p>


  9. <p>Thanks Lex.<br>

    I was thinking of a wideangle. Do you use a 40mm or 50mm? <br>

    Do you use any filters at all?<br>

    Also the screen is so dim, I would like to upgrade. And even though this is a 500c the screen actually pops right out whereas other models have a couple of screws to fix the screen in place. Is the difference between the standard screen and acute matte really that noticeable?</p>

  10. <p>Hey guys.<br>

    Thanks for the tips. Have tripod and a blower already. I use a Nikon digital system which I've had for years so have a fair amount of generic accessories.<br>

    However I bought the Hasselblad because I felt for landscape work, the nikon was severly lacking in detail. Hence investing in medium format.<br>

    I use the nikon for my light meter which has been pretty successful so far.</p>

  11. <p>Hey<br>

    First time poster here.<br>

    Recent owner of a Hasselblad 500c, and in the next few weeks i'm going on a road trip to the aussie outback and I'm gonna be living there for a few months. Main ambition is to get photos of the landscape, and the vastness of it all really.<br>

    Only armed with the 80mm lens. No filters. No acute matte screen. No spare back. No wide angle. I've got some money saved to buy a few accessories but not an infinite amount, so basically am gonna have to prioritize. What would be the most important piece of equipment to buy in these conditions?<br>


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