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Image Comments posted by linda_hail1

  1. I'm a classically trained ballet dancer, and have been for some years now. It personally bothers me when photographers try to throw a model into pointe shoes in the attempt to compose a compelling pfotograph. It is glaringly obvious that your model has never worn pointe shoes, and has never been a dancer--at the very least a ballet dancer. Please, if you are going to photograph someone in pointe shoes, find a model who has at least some experience with the form. Besides the fact that it is slightly offensive to see the art form taken advantage of for the sake of your work, this model could very easily have permanently hurt her feet and ankles. The photographs where she is en pointe clearly depict that the shoes are not properly broken in, and that she doesn't know how to properly stand in them, which can lead to a multitude of problems if she rolls her ankle, falls, etc. Also, we can see in this image that the shoes aren't even tied on correctly, which is not only irritating visually, but is further increasing her chances of mishap. Your photography is lovely, but in the future please use actual dancers in images that utilize their skills.

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