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Posts posted by ron_kurtzhals

  1. <p>Steven and Manuel! Thanks for the info! Exactly what I had in mind but was not aware of these Portable Hard Drives with Card Readers! Now I have to research both Products and purchase the best for my needs!<br>

    Thanks Much!</p>

  2. <p>What is the best alternative to purchasing additional CF Cards for my 7d? I go to lots of outdoor events and would appreciate an option of being able to download and store on site without the need of a computer! Is there a portable hard drive or flash drive that will function in the field, without a computer, and backup my camera? I have not had the need for this until now and i think this may be my quickest resolution!<br>


  3. <p>Mr. Noceti!<br>

    Thank You for your response! Yes I agree 100% in regards to the ISO Issue. 12,800 ISO does You no good when Quality is lost. You are right in the usage of My 7d, I do a lot of Outdoor and Sports shooting. I am Pleased with the 7d for the all the shooting I have done with it so far. I do use this System with my 70-200 f2.8 IS USM glass to take indoor Portrait pics of My Family, and everyone, including Myself, are very impressed with the results.<br>

    I NEVER EVER use an ISO exceeding 800. There is a reason for 12,800 ISO but I haven't discovered it yet! I like to experiment! Maybe I will get hit in the head by lightning and the reason "may" pop in!<br>

    I do use PSE 7 in Processing my RAW pics, or Canon DPP, but for very minute adjustments. I am amazed sometimes at the Quality of pics through post processing, but I am little dissapointed in the fact that many have fallen to this instead of the Quality put Into the Shot. Yea Technology!<br>

    Anyway! I just have to say that the 7d will fit many needs for a long time and may send Canon in a new direction of designing Systems that meet, or maybe exceed consummer needs instead of Nickle and Dimeing us to Death with new Models.<br>

    Speaking of New Models, or maybe Upgrading as some would say! If I outgrow this 7d sooner than I think I will, I most likely will step-up to the 1d Series, maybe even the "Flagship"! What the "heck", If You're going to be good, Might as well be Really Good!<br>

    Once again Thank You for Your Comment and have a Great time! I sincerely hope that discussions here, have helped Jennifer in her decision to Purchase. It can be very hard and I wish her the best of Luck in her choice and hope that whatever her choice is, that she is content in her decision.<br>

    Thanks My Friend. </p>

  4. <p>Didn't mean to open Pandoras Box! Just stating it was an opnion of mine which was supported by a 5dmkii owner who is also going to the 7d. If a full frame body is your need, by all means consider the 5dmmii!<br>

    The 7d has more control oprions, 12,800 iSO and great AF setting/functions. If I were a proclaimed Professional and needed a full frame, I surely would have considered the 5dmkii more seriously.<br>

    In my next upgrade, the 5dmkii will probably be skipped alltogether and move to the1d, 1ds. Knowing what the xsi and the 7d can do, the next upgrade may only pertain to glass! I allready have the L series is usm f2.8 and the f4. Step up to the 100-400 and/or the 400mm is usm.<br>

    The website link above that leads to Juzza Photo supports the basic fact that the Camera is only a support tool for a Photographer and their Glass!</p>

  5. <p>Jennifer:<br>

    I was in the exact position You are in Now! I went from Point and Shoot Hybrids to the Canon xsi and then was questioning the next step. The 1ds were overkill for me, not that I may not make that my next step, but for present and what I do I do not need something so large!<br>

    I spent 3 months searching reviews(un-partial) ofcourse and doing research on the 5dmkii and the 7d!<br>

    I have to say very clearly!, the 7d won out easily! Being a New System and with all the new innovations Canon has put into this Camera, the limitations are only because of the Photographer!<br>

    This 7d System has more options and settings than any other DSLR on the market at time of release!<br>

    Canon could easily make this the TOP aps-c sensoron stating so Camera for many years to come. With the firmware updates we 7d owners are waiting for come along, You could easily see some increases in Video Recording times, Fimrware Version1.2.1 has already done this and I have the e-mal message from Canon stating so!<br>

    Other that the Crop sensor of the 7d, most other aspects of function can be controlled by Firmware/Software updates. 7d Owners need to contact Canon and request fine tunning of the Firmware/Softwaare! Canon listened and deleloped the 7d and it is my hope that they will continue to improve the 7d.<br>

    Since I purchased this 7d, I have purchased 2 L Series Lens and nunerous other Lens and Filters! I am very sorry I didnt decide to purchase this 7d sooner. Good Luck in Your choice and I hope You are Happy with Your Decision!</p>

  6. <p>I recently purchased a adapter card for my 7d so i could use some of my many sd cards. I have found that the sd card will work fine in high rate[50-60fps] low resoloution recording but will shut down and stop recording after 2-3 seconds recording in low rate 24-30fps regardless of camera settings. I this to do with needing a cf/udma card or is it due to the sd cards record speed? If speed is the reason, why will it function in the high frame rate and fail in a lower or lowest fps settings. This is just something I am trying to to so that I may be able to use some of my many sd cards.<br>

    If the recording ability of the high speed sd cards I have is the problem, I guess I will need a collection of cf cards to take along. Im not sure what the recording speed of the sd cards I have are, but they are of highest speeds. From what I have been able to acertain, aleast 133x speed is needed to record smooth video quickly.<br>

    This is just a little quirk I discovered while experimenting with this adapter and getting my new 7d ready to go to the races. If anyone has a mirror problem or a remedy, please respond! Thanks!</p>

  7. <p>Being a newbie here on Photo Net, I am having a great time with the questions and responses to the questions about the Canon 7d! Especially because i just purchased one to replace my Canon XSI! I recently took my new 7d out and shot just a short vid just to get the feel and use the 50mm lens just purchased. Not having much experience with video editing, my past experience is with Photos. I need to learn Video Editing.<br>

    These inquiries of the 7d video had me wondering how I would edit/create my own videos? I went to the ZoomBrowser included software with the 7d and ZoomBrowser will edit MOV files of the 7d. Having used Windows Movie Maker and hearing that it will not handle MOV files from the 7d, I had to try and see what would happen or I could do. To my surprise and after selecting "all files" and waiting for the MOV files to load/open, I can use MOV files in WIndows Movie Maker!<br>

    I have Vista Home Premium with all current updates. What I did find was that 1080p does not run as smoothly as the 720p. Probably because I do not have all HD capabilities on my laptop computer that I just worked with? I need Your guys help with this. Is that the problem or is it because of Windows Movie Maker capabilities. I hope I am right and may have helped both of US!<br>

    I Have and use "Nero9", which is very good, and another program called "Muvee Reveal", fairly simple and easy to use Movie Maker. After being stimulated to try ZoomBrowser and Windows Movie Maker for Editing, I cant wait to shoot some more video and really get into these programs.<br>

    I shot some footage using the Canon L Series 70-200/2.8 usm and a 50mm 1.8 and I am just awed with the results. Just have to learn the Manual Controls in Video and I will have a $30,000.00 Professional Video Cam for UNDER $1,700.00<br>

    Get some good glass for your 7d and get your Video settings set and have fun! I know I will and I will post some Vids when I can. Thanks! Got to go,MY 7d calls and I am turning it on!</p>

  8. <p>No Claim to be a Professional and know all the finite details but I can say I have had a Camera in my hands for over 40 Years. I have had many, including one of the first digital marketed. I used Fuji Hybrids for a number of Years and got some GOOD Pics. Recently I upgraded to a Canon XSI and then purchased a L Series 70-200. f2.8 and a 70-200 f4! AWESOME LENS! Needless to say, I needed to update camera or body, and I DID SO! I purchased a 7d.....I kicked myself in the REAR all day the first day I got it. The first day I took it out and did some Photos with the L Series Lens, I kicked myself even harder and LONGER for not buying one SOONER! I cant say enough about how much I Love this 7d! I do not NEED a full frame body for any specific shooting, faster frame rate or extra weight, although the 7d with battery grip and the L Series Lens attached is a hefty and solid piece of equipment. Overall, the 7d has many more manual controls and adjustments available then any other Camera out there! Check our some of the reviews on youtube.com or other sources and then decide. I was in a tizzy trying to decide whether it be a 1D, 5DMkii, and yes the t2i also but after researching and reviews I choose the 7d. Good Luck in your decision! You will Love whatever your choice is! It just has to meet YOUR NEEDS!</p>
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